Rise of the New Empire

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Justinian has fallen. His son, Julius Justinianus aims to finish his work. Tho it may take some time, for the military is still recovering from his successful campaigns in the east. In November 20, 565, he was coronated as emperor of Byzantium. He made many reforms. Mostly concerning the Military. He aims to revive the old Cohort System used after the Marian reforms. Legionaries are equipped armor better suited for fighting both professional, and barbarian armies.

He also professionalised some of the local Necro-Hunter groups. Now, these groups have been formed ever since Alexander the Great came to power, for the purpose of killing off necrophages within his empire. When his army conqueres a land, the hunters follow, escorting supply routes, clearing battlefields of these vile creatures, feasting on the dead. Unfortunately they were forgotten after the fall of Alexander's Empire, since nobody were to pay them. Luckily for them, townsfolk hire them for their services to either protect them, or to be their bodyguards. But they would never be able to regain their professionalism until the reign of Julius Justinianus. The same goes for the school of Magicians.

Magicians were viewed as devils, due to their inhuman abilities. From lifting rocks to casting destructive spells, the locals just can't seem to understand their purpose. But Julius knows better. One time, he actually visited the school itself and learned some magic, to show his interests. He wishes to turn them into a Civil Protection Organization. With their knowledge of both Magic and Science, they boosted the technological advancements of Byzantium to 30 years ahead. Medical research prospered, schools were built, literacy rised and their military power was enhanced. With this, he conquered the frankish kingdoms and some parts of Britannia. But this all could not be achieved without the efforts of Trinitus, Byzantium's greatest living general.

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