Beach Coconut

584 34 3

Author: just a random pic, lol
#Cursing stuff!

All elementals are going to the beach, they're planning on camping there and having a lot of incident are coming to them.

Taufan: Hey!! I think we forgot the lighter to turn on the fire...*run to the elementals*

Hali: Cool, now how can we cook??
Blaze: Nice, now we're doom.
Solar: We could use science.(wth...)
Thorn: How about we ask the ocean to bring us some food?
Solar: Thorn, I don't th---
Thorn: I know, you're going to tell me how genius I am.
Solar: probably. (He doesn't know I'm  provoking him.)
Gempa: You guys are silly, what's the point are we having our powers for? *Facepalm*
Ice: Nice brain, Gem.
Gempa: I know. *Savage mode*
Blaze/Solar: (I feel so idiot)

They start to get ready for their activities and having a great camp. While waiting for the night comes, they're playing a volleyball game ( it's remind me of Haikyuu!! ╥﹏╥)

Blaze: Guys, let's play volleyball! *Holding a ball*
Taufan: Cool! Let's make a team! *Grabbing Hali with him*
Thorn: Yeay!!! Solar, come join usss *grab Solar*
Blaze: I ---
Ice: Good news, I'm not joining.
Blaze: Nice words for breaking my heart. *Grab Ice anyway*
Gempa: I wonder when will I get my own partner  :) *smile in Indian*
Hali/Solar: We won't join.
Ice: Good news, you guys are in the difference teams.
Hali/Solar: ...
HaliSol (lol): Cool.
Blaze: (guys, did we ignored Gem??)
Taufan: Good luck killing each other.
Thorn: killing?! Are they gonna killing each other?! *Shock*
Taufan: No, I mean... *Cough* they're gonna "friendly" each other. *cough*
Solar: Doesn't that have a specific meaning?... ( Solar 1: you sure are not a virgin / Solar: Thanks for taking my virgins, though I'm in love with myself)
Hali: Fan, I hate you
Taufan: Wow, love you too
Ice: tibe
Blaze: (aren't we ignoring Gem again??)
Thorn: Okay, we should play now!~
Gempa: You guys should go straight to the hell, except for Thornie.
Taufan: Gempa, you should be the judges.
Gempa: ( sabarlah dengan anak-anak durhaka ini...´;ω;`)

Blaze: Okay, Solar, Taufan and I are teammates. You guys will make the first move.
Hali: (that bastards sure have a sh*ty plan on their mind)


Solar: 'We should move the horse first. And than the soldiers.'
Blaze: 'No,no,no! We should move the soldier first than the horse!'
Solar: 'An idiot only move the soldier first, Idiot.'

Thorn: I start first! *Shooting the ball*
Blaze: Not so fast! *Hit*
Solar: My turn! *Shoot and hit the ground*
Taufan: Are you guys doing that 'chess reference'?!
Blaze/Solar: Indeed we are. (◡ ω ◡)
Thorn: (what is chess? :V)

Hali: as I thought they would use that sh*t.
Ice: Hey I've got some ideas... *Whisper whisper*
Hali: Ice, that's dirty.
Ice: I know.
Gempa: (what are they even talking about...)
Ice: Hey, Thorn. Let's do this...*whisper whisper*
Thorn: Nice!
Hali: Omg, what are you talking about.
Ice: Something innocent.
Hali: I don't believe you.
Ice: Exactly.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)╭☞

Solar: I'm going to shoot! *Shooting the ball*
Thorn: Solar, you are so cute!!
Hali: Ice, that's f*ck*ng dirty.
Gempa: No homo-- NO CURSING!!
Ice: Nice cover, Gem.
Gempa: I know.

(The ball hit Ice's hand and Hali makes the shoot than hit the ground)

Taufan: *pat Solar's back* I understand.
Blaze: We need to use another reference.
Taufan: What now? A JoJo's reference? *Pout*
Solar/Blaze: Exactly.
Hali: Cool, another sh*t plan.
Ice: Hey, Hali--
Hali: don't tell, I'm having my period.
Thorn: How---
Taufan: Better don't ask. *Sigh in Mexican*
Gempa: Continue the game, guys. I'm afraid if something bad happen to us while we are playing. Like rain comes raining suddenly--

Brought to you by  Perodua in today's best music on MIX :)

Hali: You sure your mouth is so poisoning.
Gempa: (did my "mom's mode" already gone?)
Blaze: Ouhh, What should we dooo.
Gempa: Rocks Shield!
Taufan: Why are we so idiot.
Thorn: Blaze, turn on your fire!
Blaze: Fire Ball!
Thorn: You're hot, Blaze!~
Blaze: Did this fire makes you "turn on"?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Thorn: Doesn't the fire already turned on??
Hali: Blaze, that's dirty.
Taufan: Why are you so bright, Solar?
Solar: That's gay.
Taufan: I--- never mind, I regret to say it's some kind of science stuff.
Solar: Exactly. *Wink in French*
Gempa: Yare yare... *Just want to 'meniber'*
Hali: Oh, God. Not a JoJo's reference again...
Ice: Aren't we supposed to eat?
Blaze: Ice, you got all the junk food on your hand and I'm f*ck*ng wonder where it's all coming from.
Gempa: I'm sure getting used to this... :) *Cracking his fingers with patience*
Ice: I dunno, I can say all the time I need a food in my hand.
Blaze: All the time I need to play alone without you.
Ice: All the time I need to hear your excuse.
Blaze: All the time I saw Ice being a chubby---
Solar: You guys just get a room already.
Thorn: Room for what?--
Taufan: Better don't ask. *Sigh in Mexican*
Gempa: Hey, the rain has stopped, let's build the tent already. It's getting dark.
Ice: I want to eat.
Solar: Shut up.

They built the tent and a fire camp. Working very hard to serve the food. (Ice just sitting under the coconut tree because he is a lazy ass)

Thorn: Why are you sitting?
Ice: Because it's natural to sit. (Bruh)
Gempa: Nice answer, very helping. *Bringing some brunches, because he's strong*
Ice: Always have been. *Smug face*
Solar: Hali, are you a nigga? Because you looks so dark and almost can't be seen. (Lol)
Hali: Are you gay? Cuz you look so rainbow.
Solar: Ouww--
Hali: ---Idiot like those rainbow troublemakers. (Blaze, Taufan and Thorn for sure)
Solar: ... *Pick-up line tak jadi*

Some coconuts falls down

Ice: Blaze, a coconut.
Blaze: yeah! Let's drink a coconut water!
Ice: it's name should be "coconut milk".
Solar: doesn't that have another specific  meaning? (Solar 2: Good, another virgin has gone / Solar: thanks to you, thought I could kill myself about that)
Taufan: Yeahhh~ coconut milk...
Hali: Fan, that's dirty.
Gempa: It's nice, we could have a coconut milk tonight.
Blaze: Guys, it's supposed to be "coconut water"!
Hali: it's supposed to be "coconut juice" .
Solar: The hell?!
Gempa: I hope you guys wouldn't fight about coconut---
Solar: In my scientific knowledge IQ information, coconut milk is coconut milk.
Blaze: No way!! It's coconut water!!
Gempa: Here we goes again...
Ice: Blaze, the god has decided to call it "coconut milk"
Taufan: Yeah, it's coconut milk!
Blaze: No f*ck*ng way!
Hali: it's coconut juice.
Taufan: Blaze, it's a milk not water.
Solar: There's no one on your side!
Hali: It's JUICE
SOLAR: Include Hali!
Hali: hey!
Blaze: You guys are sh*t!!
Gempa: no
Taufan: IT'S MILK!!!
Taufan: MILK!!!
Hali: how about coconut jui--
Solar: SHUT UP!
Ice: The coconut nut is a giant nut~~
Taufan: SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!
Solar: Please guys... Enough of this. We've been fighting like this for nonsense.
Hali: yeahhhh, there's no reason we fight like this.
Taufan: this is just a small problem, why we always like this?...
Blaze: Uh... That's true...
Gempa: *just come out from the grave* are you winning,son? :V
Solar: Nahhh, we quit fighting.
Gempa: That's good to hear!~
Ice: Is it coconut or cocoanut---?
Gempa: Here we goes again. *Go back to the grave*

And that's it, fighting til the sun comes out... Only about coconut.

What a dumb.

*Insert Ice drink a coconut milk in Japanese*

Ice: *sip* morning.
Solar: #*&$-?!£¥€°π®]{*&$*!¢£©✓]€
Hali: *#$&;!?($~°€∆£[\™¢]:!?*&#!
Taufan: AWOOOO AWO AWOOOOOO *insert "The Lion King" soundtrack* (ehhhh?? Ye ke??)
Blaze: PKOK PKOKOK PKIUOOOKKKK *insert a chicken remix*
Ice: *sip again* nice weather today...

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