You, Me and The Moon

545 31 2

Warning! Contains spoiler BoBoiBoy isu 4 on this chapter! If you didn't read yet you will not understand the jokes! >:v

After watching a movie, they were heading back to their home. In their way home, they stopped at the largest park in Pulau Rintis. (It's because of Thorn's "sugar rush at the midnight" cause. They all exploring the park.

Gempa: Okay guys, make sure you don't go to far!
All: Okay! *Walk away*
Gempa: (I wonder when I will get a partner to complain all of this puppies?)

Meanwhile, Fang on the cockpit...
Fang: Hachum!! *Swipes his nose* (I wonder who's talking about me right now?)
Fang: Whatever, *cleaning the spaceship* don't worry Lily, you will be just fine~

Gempa: Urh, I got a bad feeling about someone... *Goosebumps*

They all separate, 2 in the north, west and east. Blaze and Solar, Taufan and Thorn, Hali and Ice. They were challenged to find a pretty flowers and beautiful pick-up line to give to Gempa. So they're walking, searching and get some ideas...

Taufan: Thorn, I know you are master at searching for flowers! I leave it to you! I will get some ideas for doing the pick-up line. *Put hands on the back head*
Thorn: Really? Then, let's do this together! *Excited*
Taufan: (I wonder how they are doing :)

Solar and Blaze...

Solar: I found one!
Blaze: a flower? Where?! *Excited*
Solar: Me!
Blaze: ...
Blaze: I see an ugly * "ರ_ರ" in American*
Solar: Rude! *Cross hand*
Blaze: That's the pick-up line.
Solar: Not helping, Blaze.
Blaze: I'm helping.
Solar: What?
Blaze: To get rid of your ego. *Smirk*
Solar: and your childish!

Blaze: Hey... *Brush his hair*

Solar: Yeah?.. *look Blaze* (what's with the gap actually??)

Blaze: isn't the moon looks big tonight?..

Solar: Yeah... I know right...

*Insert romantic's song*
*Leafs blowing*

Blaze: It's only you, me, and your big ego...

Blaze: It's facts~ *giggle*
Solar: We better win this! Let's go find some flowers! *Angry*
Blaze: Hey, wanna hear another pic--
Solar: Blaze wet his shirt, I hate hear sh*t.
Blaze: ...
Blaze: Nice one!
Solar: ...
Solar: Can you give me do the pick-up line? *Disappointed in French*

Taufan and Thorn

Taufan: hmmm...ತ_ʖತ No good... *Imagining Solar and Blaze just now*
Thorn: Is it me who is not good enough? *Sad*
Taufan: Nuh, I'm worried about my imaginary ideas...
Thorn: Oh-uh, huehuehue~ *giggle*
Taufan: your "misunderstood" creep me out! ):V
Thorn: I imagine...
Taufan: No.
Thorn: Unicorn and chicken!
Taufan: wha-- (ಠ_ಠ? Unicorn 🦄= Solar/ chicken 🐔= Blaze??)
Taufan: That still creepy.
Thorn: Whyyyy!!! *Angwy*
Taufan: You creep my heart out~
Thorn: OoOuUuHh...
Taufan: Aren't that nice?~ *proud*
Thorn: Nice one!!! Yeay! We can win with this! *Happy*

Taufan: Hey, look! The moon are so bright...

Thorn: Yes... And it's creep me out! *Smile*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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