Chapt. 2 SandersVille High

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Roman's POV
1st Person

It was 6:39 in the morning when I had woken up to my alarm with a groan. I didn't want to get up but I knew I had too. I couldn't get beauty sleep forever, at least, not like Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Oh well, it's going to be a great day! I just know it!

I pulled myself off of the bed before heading over to my walk in closet. I entered cheerfully as I walked over to a rack filled with nothing but my shirts. It was a large metal rack that had been paired white and gold. I scanned through my outfits, looking for the perfect shirt for the last day of first quarter. Our school didn't seem to like semesters seeing as many kids failed when they did have semesters.

Oh well, I have found the perfect shirt to wear. It'll look fantastic with the new skinny jeans I bought last week. I collected the shirt and pants before scanning through my shoes, immediately finding a pair of black knee high boots. I picked them up before heading towards my bathroom to take a shower and get ready.

               (Le mini time skip!)

            After making sure I had everything together, and I ate breakfast, I flung my bag over my shoulder. I began to exit, "Bye Mom! Bye Dad! I love you guys!" I smiled brightly and waved as I listened to them do their versions of 'Bye I love you'.

                         Patton's POV
                          1st Person
                Earlier that morning

         I woke up to the annoying buzz of my alarm immediately. 6:00am, I wasted absolutely no time getting ready. I threw on a light blue long sleeve shirt and some light blue jean shorts. I quickly put on some foundation to hide a few bruises from the previous day. I accidentally spoke back to my 'father' and he really didn't like that. Oh well, it was probably going to happen either way.

          I finished getting dressed before quietly making my way to the kitchen. I immediately left, not wanting to chance getting caught sneaking food. I typed up walking directions for his new school and began to head in that direction. It was going to be a 40 minute walk and he realized that.

           About half an hour into the walk I bumped into someone. I stumbled a bit before catching my balance before grabbing the other stumbling persons hand to keep them from falling. "Oh dear! I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I quickly apologized after helping the person catch their balance.

                       Virgils POV
                       1st person

                 Oh crap, human interaction! With a stranger!! I could feel my breathing speed up a bit until I heard them speak. They sounded young, my age or about a year younger. It sounded sweet with a scared tone behind it, as if he was scared I would hit him or something.

            "No no, it wasn't your fault, I p-probably should of put my p-phone away." I did my best to keep myself from stuttering but long behold, my body hates me! I can tell they noticed as they took a mere step back before smiling. "Well I'm Patton! I usually go by he/him pronouns, and you?" His voice made him sound like a peppy kid but something about him feels off.

              "Virgil, I also use he/him pronouns." I froze after checking the time, "Oh crap! School! Come on let's go!" Without thinking I grabbed Patton's hand before dragging him off. "Uhh Kiddo? What school do you go too?" I froze realizing Patton might not got to his school, and I was holding his hand as I let him go. "S-Sorry!" I spoke a quick 'sorry' blushing a bit out of embarrassment before continuing, "I go to Sandersville High."

        I looked up at a now beaming Patton, "I go there too! Today is my first day there!" He smiled brightly. "Ah I see! So you're the new kid in my grade!" I felt kind of stupid for not realizing it sooner but I let that feeling flood out. "Well would you like to eat lunch with me and a couple of friends?" I tilted my head a bit as I continued to lead the way to the school. "Sure! That sounds fun!!" Patton smiled brighter, if that was even possible, as we made our way to the school.

        Once we made it I was greeted to a taller male, a familiar male. Messing up my hair. "Morning Emo Nightmare." I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Morning Disney Prince Reject." I heard a snicker come from Patton and a large scoff from Roman. "Is this one of your friends Kiddo?" Patton tilted his head a bit. "Excellent observation." I jumped a bit, noticing Patton and Roman did the same, before inhaling, "Logan! You can't sneak up on us like that!"

         "My apologies Virgil. Anyways, would you mind introducing us to your friend there?" He had a calm, steady voice as he spoke. "Oh right! Roman, Logan, this is the new kid Patton! Patton these are my friends, Roman and Logan." I pointed out which one was which though I bet he already figured it out. Just then a phone went off, one of ours, Patton's.

                          Patton's POV
                           1st Person

      I flinched as my phone went off before checking the number ID and freezing, Mom??? Why would she be calling me?? I excused myself before hitting answer. "Is this Patton Britez?" The voice seemed sketchy but trust worthy so I obliged, "Mhm, May I ask who this is and why you're calling so early?" I waited for an answer patiently. "Ah yes, I'm Dr.Netrix, your Moms doctor. Mr.Britez, I hate to inform you but your mothers condition has been worsening as of late." I paused, I knew she had cancer long before high school started but her condition was getting better. "W-What do you mean worse? W-Wasn't it getting better?? What happened?!" Silence, I began to tear up as the doctor finally answered, "I don't like putting time limits but I can assure you, she won't live past this month unless there is some sort of miracle."

         I hung up, I couldn't listen to it anymore, I already knew there wouldn't be some miracle. I also knew I wouldn't be able to fly down and visit her any time soon, "D-Dangit...!" He leaned against the tree I was by as I then felt myself get pulled into a hug. "H-Huh..?!" I looked up a bit surprised to see Roman hugging me and Virgil and Logan on either side of him. "Why are you crying Padre?" I flinched at the question before giving a fake smile, "It's nothing to worry about!"

             I could tell they hadn't bought it but the bell went off signaling class would be starting in mere minutes. Roman released the hug and waved before leaving to his class. Logan had also left for his class leaving Virgil and I alone. "What is your schedule Pat?" I handed Virgil my schedule when he asked.

              After a minute I saw a small smile on Virgils face. "Ah cool, we pretty much have the same schedule." I smiled brightly at this, "Ooh! Cool!" Virgil began to head towards the school motioning for me to follow.

12228 words and for those confused I'll type a summary.

So basically Patton bumps into Virgil on his way to school and they quickly become friends. Virgil can tell that something is off about Patton but doesn't know what. Patton then meets Roman and Logan before getting a call from the hospital. Patton had already known his mom had cancer before leaving but it seemed to be getting better. Sadly, he got a call about how him mothers condition was getting worse and ended up giving here a mere month to live. And I guess that's all, if you need me to add any trigger warnings please comment them so I can fix my mistake.

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