Chapter 6: The Breaking Point

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A/N:Sorry this chapter is so late! I got busy and didn't realize how long it had been since I posted! Anyways this chapter takes place about 2 weeks after the incident and 2 1/2 weeks before the dance!

TW:Abuse(Le normal but still have to include it every chapter this is in), implied rape (I'd write it out but haha I cant write that out to save my life),!pissed off Logan, Roman, and Virgil, cussing, forced self-harm.

Patton's POV

I had done it again, I spoke back to my Dad. I didn't mean to but whether or not I meant to didn't matter. I got shoved up against the wall by my father as he forced a knife into my hand, "Cut yourself now Patton." I winced at several of the actions but I didn't fight back as I just used the knife and cut myself.

By time I had finished cutting a scarlet liquid dripped from my arms and to the floor as I began to tear up. "D-Da- S-Sir..... I-I'm sorry...." I yelped a bit as he slapped me, "Did I give you permission to speak bitch?!" I whimpered a bit growing to be terrified as I noticed a smirk creep onto his face.

"Looks like someone needs *that* again." I tried backing up but I was already against the wall, "N-No please! A-Anything but that! D-Dad please! I'm begging you!" I shrunk a bit as a sob escaped my throat. My sob seemed to just make the situation worse as I got forced into a kiss.

~Time Skip brought to you by my creativity~

I laid on the living room floor sobbing loudly as my phone went off beside me. I didn't answer it but instead curled into myself a bit sobbing a bit louder. Luckily Dad had went out to the bar for a bit so I was home alone.

I eventually tried standing up but just fell. "O-Owww.:." I curled back into myself as my phone went off again, I was still sobbing and too weak to check the caller ID, instead I just looked at the blood stained floor around me and the countless cuts and bruises that rested on my arm, side, and legs. (A/N:If you're confused he is not naked but he's shirtless and in shorts. Back to the story)

After a few more minutes of sobbing and curling into myself, I heard the door get broken down. I quickly looked over to see Logan and Virgil standing in the door way frozen in place as I quickly tried drying my tears.

Virgil's POV

Logan and I had been calling Patton and knocking on his door for the past 20 minutes with no answer as Logan finally decided to break down the door. I took a step back as Logan kicked in the door immediately receiving a glance from a half dressed Patton who had definitely been sobbing. I froze to take in the sight as I stared at ass the cuts and bruises Patton had.

It took me a few minutes to completely comprehend what had happened to the boy but when I did I couldn't help but break down and go into a panic attack. God dammit! Breathe Virgil breathe! You're friend just went from hell and back and you're not helping! I went through a few of my breathing exercises without Logan's help as I eventually calmed down before rushing over to Patton's side, Logan had already been there trying to get answers out of Patton but froze after noticing something, something that was only visible from up closer, hickeys, forced ones.

"Patton, What the fuck happened?! We're you raped?!" I froze a bit at Logan's question. Raped? What the fuck?! I never thought Patton's Dad would go this far! "N-No..." Patton's weak voice broke me from my thoughts, it was obvious he was lying as I stepped in, "Bullshit! Patton don't lie to us! We aren't stupid! We know the signs! We know you got raped so don't fucking lie to us!" I hissed to the boy, a venom even I noticed seeping from my voice as I quickly took a deep breath after noticing Patton flinch a bit as if I was going to hit him.

"I'm sorry Patton, I didn't mean for it to come out like that it's just- It's just we want to help you but we can't if you aren't honest with us....." I sat down by Logan on the ground pulling Patton up so he was on both of our laps as we both mentally examined the cuts and bruises as we then glanced to each other, the same sorrowful expression resting on our face.

"Patton, I know we promised but this is to far.... We have to at least tell Roman about what's going on. He is better suited for protection then me or Virgil." I nodded a bit in agreement as I looked at Patton who seemed to be debating, "I-I-I know...... W-We can t-tell him...." I began to tear up a bit noticing the amount of fear and pain that seeped through the latter's voice. "Alright, I'll call him down here." Logan carefully moved Patton so he rested completely on my lap before getting up and heading outside to call Roman.

Roman's POV

I was in the middle of a fight with Remus as my phone went off. I sighed, "We'll continue this later you trash rat." I heard Remus scoff as I just rolled my eyes before answering my phone.

"Solutions Roman, sadly I'm not calling for a conversation but I do need you to come to the address I just sent to you through text. I would advise you hurry and get down here." I tilted my head a bit but Logan had hung up before I could ask any questions as I just simply re-combed my hair and sloppily threw on my combat boots before heading out.

"Once I had made it to the house I was immediately struck by a suffocating smell of beer as I gagged a bit before beginning to walk up to the now broken down door, freezing at what I had saw. A large amount of both dried and fresh blood was splattered around walls and the floors as I then noticed Patton who seemed to be in really bad shape along with a crying Virgil and concerned Logan as I rushed over.

"What the hell happened?! What's going on?! Is everyone alright?!" I was already beginning to pull out my phone to call the police but got stopped by Logan, "We can't call the police, Patton won't allow us to.... As for what has happened, Patton's father happened." I tensed you after I heard that as I began to open my mouth but got cut off by Logan explaining the situation.

To say I was pissed Gould be an understatement. "WHAT THE HELL?! I'M GOING TO KILL THAT BASTARD!" I began to leave to find the bastard that did this to Patton before getting stopped by Patton's voice, "K-Kiddo please don't..... I-It's fine...... I'm fine...." Oh my god.... His voice was so weak..... He sounded so fragile... It was to much as I began to cry noticing even Logan tear up a bit at the sound of the latter's voice.

"I-It was m-my fault..... I-I talked back to him......" Patton forced a fake smile, one that pissed me off, "Patton you didn't deserve any of this shit! So what you fought back?! That's what you're supposed to do in this situation! Now Logan go pack his bags! He's leaving this hell hole!" Logan nodded as I barked a few more commands before beginning to make sure Patton's dad didn't come back as we were getting everything done.


Word counf:1324

Thank you everyone for over 300 reads on this story! I'm honestly surprised any of you are still reading this! Anyways I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night!


(Also yet again my writing may be bad and not really understandable, I'm writing this at about 2:38 in the morning soooooooo yeah)

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