Siriusly, Why Do You Have a Time Turner?

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Rose's POV


"How in the world did you get one!" I shouted with amazement. I know mum has one from her third year, but she doesn't allow Hugo, dad and myself near it.

"I found it in the kitchen," James, obviously trying to convince us. Lily opened her mouth.

"Stay quiet Lily!" Teddy snapped. Lily shrunk back down.

"This is so cool, what does it do?" Fred asked taking it from James, observing it.

"It turns time" I stated

"Well obviously," Albus stated with sarcasm and interest.

"You can travel back in time," Lucy said before I could.

"Wow this is awesome," James the Idiot said

"No, it isn't. James. Fred. Give it to Teddy. NOW" Victoire demanded.

"In a little while," James replied grinning like his namesakes.

"Now James," Teddy growled through his teeth.

"Nope," James shouted as he ran.

The Golden Marauders followed by running out of the room. They started chucking the Time-Turner around the house to each other. Essentially playing piggy in the middle with the non-marauders. Even though we non-Golden Marauders outnumber the Golden Marauders, they still managed to maintain the Time-Turner. I began analysing the situation and discovered a pattern in which they were chucking it. There was no pattern or order, but I realised no one has thrown it to James in a little while.

I slide next to Roxy and whispered a plan into her ear.

"Ok let's do it now."

We rounded behind James. Louis – who currently caught the time turner- was aiming to chuck it golden jewel to James saw us behind James. But it was too late. He had thrown it before he could stop himself.

As James caught the Time-Turner, Roxy and I lunged at James. Making him drop the Time-Turner.

As I saw this movement, I knew I had a flaw in my plan.

What was stopping it from smashing?


Sorry for the short chapter compared to the other two.

Please remember to comment on your opinions 

342 Words

Thanks for reading!

Next chapter will be out before Sunday (I hope *Crossed Fingers)



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