The Lupin and the Howling Proof

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Albus POV

I stood forward- everyone jumping at my appearance (people said I looked like my father at his age, but I didn't think this much alike). Looking directly at my namesake- and spoke...

"The one with the power to vanish the Dark Lord approaches...

Born to those who have thrice defied him,

born of the 7th month dies, and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal,

but he will have a power that the Dark Lord knows not...

and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...

The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the 7th month dies."

It was silent then,

"I believe them, no more hassling the children. Let us go through the introductions as I believe these are the children of the residents of this house," Dumbledore said calmly to the Order Members. "Why don't you get the children down here. I think this may be fun and put some light into a Dark Time in which is about to occur."

"Won't that affect the future?" James asked, causing everyone one from the Next Generation to stare at him in shock at his sudden geniuses'.

"What? I may be extremely handsome and a prankster extraordinaire, but I do pick up a book from time to time" James snapped back sarcastically.

"I believe that your father will be able to wipe everyone's memories," Dumbledore replied.

"Who the bloody hell are they," said the voice of Ron Weasley. Then a large slap could be heard from all around the room. Rose and Hugo blushed a deep Weasley red as it was their mother who had slapped their father. Dad looked at us curiously as I felt Lily shrink lower into my side at the appearance of our 15-year-old father not recognising her. I realised this is going to destroy her. Then mum walked out behind dad.

"Don't be so rude Ron" Aunt Hermione snapped at him.

"Sorry, Mione" Uncle Ron replied sheepishly.

"To answer your question, we are from the future" Lucy stated.

"We should do this as a game," Louis said

"Yeah, we should tell everyone our first names, houses, quidditch place, hobbies and whatever else, then the present-day people should try and guess who our parents are!" Dom sated.

Everyone murmured in agreement.

"Ok oldest first," Roxanne and Fred said together, pushing Teddy to the front.

Remus POV

I looked at the oldest of the children being pushed forward, judging him with curiosity. He reminds me of someone, but I don't know who.

"My name is Teddy," He said shyly "I am 21 years old and was in Hufflepuff. I was Head boy and Beater on the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team. I will be starting a new job of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts and I am metamorphous. I am also engaged to Victoire. Put your hand up if you reckon you know who my parents are."

Everyone but Ron, Tonks and I put their hands up.

"Ok say them on three," Some random child said. It was counted down and various ways of Lupin and Tonks was said.

Tonks yelled in delight and ran over to hug Teddy as he nodded to confirm. I stood there in shock.

"Are you a wer..." I started.

"No, I am not" He replied, then I ran over to hug him too. "My name is Teddy Remus Lupin." And with that, he changed the colour of his hair to match Tonk's bubble-gum pink.

"Who is your Godfather and how long have you and Victoire been together?" I asked

"I and Victoire have been together for over 7 years and I only have a God Father which is Harry." He replied smiling.

Both Tonks and I jumped up and hugged Harry because I have some suspicions to the way Teddy is acting around Tonks and Myself.

"Ok next, we should have our first family of Weasleys" A child looking like James stated. With the words, Weasley, Molly and Arthur looked ecstatic over the fact that they have grandchildren. Three teenage kids stepped forward.


Yay, a longer chapter and I actually got it done.

Next chapter should be out by the 30th of June. Remember to comment your opinions!

Thanks for reading!

700 Words



Published 29th of June

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