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Rose POV

It was later that night. Everyone was silent and went to bed early. It wasn't every day we see our younger parents, live with them for over a fortnight and then suddenly told that we are leaving. They weren't as strict and we learnt a lot more about them and how it lead to Voldemort's defeat.

I was in bed. I know nobody would be sleeping. I reflected for hours. We have been only for 2 weeks, but it seemed like a month. Out of everything from this experience, my favourite thing to occur was most definitely the chat last night with mum, dad and Hugo.

Mum had called me after questions last night to ask me if I wanted to join dad, Hugo and I tonight at around 12 in the attic.

"ok, I'll be there," I say as I went to 'sleep'.

At around 5 till I felt mum shake me. I turn and she signals to follow her up to the attic.

We pushed open the door of the attic to see dad and Hugo was already sitting down.

"Hey," I say and I sat down next to Hugo.

"Umm why don't we try and get to know each other," Dad suggested.

"Ok... what is your favourite colour," Hugo asked.

"Sky blue," mum said looking into dad's sky blue eyes.

"Caramel Brown," Dad said.

"Red," Hugo said.

"Sunset Orange," I say after Peeta from the Hunger Games.

"Ok what is your favourite teacher," I asked, "Mine is Professor McGonagall."

"Same, Professor McGonagall," mum said.

"Lupin," Dad said.

"Professor Longbottom," Hugo said.

"What Neville becomes a teacher?" Mum asked.

"Yeah he took over from Sprout," Hugo said.

"And your 8, you aren't in school?" Dad asked Hugo.

"Well he is my godfather," Hugo replies.

"Middle Name?" Hugo continued and asked. A weird question as we know everyone's middle name, but we just rolled with it.

"Mine is Jean" mum says.

"Same," I say.

"Arthur," Hugo says.

"Billius," dad says.

"Um, what about your favourite sport?" Mum asked.

"Quidditch," dad said very quickly.

"Football," Hugo said. (Soccer if you are like me and other countries)

"Cricket," I say.

"Athletics," Mum says.

"What is your favourite memory?" Dad asked.

"My favourite memory was my 11th birthday, spending it with Hermione and Harry. We were down at the lake and Harry and Hermione attempted to make me a birthday cake. Even Hermione stopped studying the day to have fun around the lake. That's my favourite memory," Dad said.

"When I first found out I was a witch. I had always known I have been different my entire life and I finally got answers when Professor McGonagall knocked on my door and told me what I have kinda known my entire life. It was sad as I had to leave all of my muggle friends and I had an amazing teacher, but I met the two greatest people in my life, Ron and Harry. That is my favourite memory, finding out I was a witch," mum said with tears if happiness in her eyes from thinking of the memory.

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