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Breathe in.

Breathe out.

It is a sign of taking in.

And letting go.

An action of importance.

For survival.

//blank verse.

There are many in this world who are going through a really tough time. Battling mental stress, anxiety, and depression. It does not sound to be something exceptionally light just because it "happens..." 'Depression' is a really strong word because 'Depression' and 'Being Really Sad' DO NOT (I stress) mean the same. You might not, would not, and do not know what it is like to be depressed unless you have faced it. Please. Please. Share your problems with people you are closed to, whom you can trust, and do not keep things to yourself. Even if you do not have anyone to talk to, write it down ( I know it may sound silly but trust me it helps.) Listen to good music. Keep yourself Hydrated. Drink water. And breathe. Calmly for mental peace to free yourself from the heaviness in your mind.


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