Part 3

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The moment he got home, Syo had thrown himself across the bed. His head hurt, but he was thinking and thinking. He pressed his head into his pillow, unable to comprehend anything.

Before he left, her brother had told him one thing.

"Don't you ever make Seiko sad. If she ever suffers because of you, you better suffer too."

Syo pressed his head harder, trying to think straight, but his thoughts were all muddled. He couldn't. His thoughts went in circles, until he felt it had just become irrational.

"You love me, right?"

I do.

"If I don't have you... I'll die, you know?"

I don't want you to die.

He rolled over and sat up, head in his hands. If she didn't have him, she would die. He had love her. Love made you happy, right?

He loved her. So he was happy, right?

Before he knew it, it was morning again. He looked up at his reflection in his mirror. He looked terrible. He used his fingers to prop the ends of his mouth up.

Whatever he saw, it wasn't his usual smile. It didn't look real, it didn't look normal. But to him, it looked like a smile.

He moved his fingers away, and the smile held up.

"Syo! Wake up! Time for school! And we have to help out before we leave, too!"

He heard Souta banging on his door. He looked around, and his smile fell.

"Syo, you up?"

"I'm up." Syo replied.

"Oh, that's good. Hurry up, then."

Syo heard Souta's retreating footsteps. Then, he got up like normal, took a bath like normal, brushed his teeth like normal, got ready like normal, and went downstairs like normal.

That's right, everything is okay.

"Good morning, Syo." Sora greeted him. She turned to see his face. "Woah, you look terrible!"

A smile.

"Good morning, Aneki." Syo said.

Sora nodded hesitantly.

"Syo, Oka-san said to roll that bread please!" Shoya called.

"Yes," Syo said, rolling up his sleeves. Something caught his eye, and his eyes trailed to knife.

"If she ever suffers because of you, you better suffer too."

I didn't even know what was supposed to make me happy anymore.


"Start of the third year of junior high!" Haruna cheered. "Applications for high school! Future career things! Entrance exams! And....stress!"

"I hardly think you should be so happy..." Riku murmured, glancing at Haruna. She, Haruna and Syo were walking to school together.

"Look, Syo-chan has already gotten into character!" Haruna said, pointing at the said person.

"Teruya-kun, you look more like a student who's gonna enter university rather than high school, and it's the first day." Riku commented, and Syo smiled lightly at her. Riku pressed her lips together.

"Hey, Syo-chan," Haruna said suddenly. "Come to think of it, why aren't you walking with Date-san today?"

"Oh," Syo looked around. "She told me to go ahead today. She said she was going to be a little late."

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