Extra - Shoya

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(Here's a little chapter about Shoya-kun, because why not? Pfft- the amount of interest I have in side characters in ridiculous. So much that they aren't even side characters anymore XD)

1st year of high school

They're changing the person who sits beside me again. It'll probably be another annoying person.

"Teruya-kun, I hope we can get along."

Those words make me sick. I have nothing in particular against humanity, but I can only get along with you if you get along with me. I lack interest in most things, so I couldn't care less about this person. This person was just another classmate.

But this one classmate was particularly persistent. She kept saying, "If you ever need help with anything, you can ask me."

Sorry, but I'd rather take a nap than overwork my brain on something it's impossible for me to understand.

It's not like any of my classmates are bad people. The stereotypical bullies don't exist here. Maybe a couple of gossip mongers here and there, but everyone is like that from time to time.

My classmates don't gossip about me or badmouth me, more like they pity me. I don't know if it's worse, but I hate it. This new girl would probably be another one of those sympathisers.

I am someone who has no interests and no goals. I have nothing I want to prove or achieve. Nothing excites me or intrigues me. I just feel like most of the time I'm sitting with a blindfold over my eyes. Everybody around me talks about how amazing everything they see is. They all try to take the blindfold off, but it just won't come off.

Because they can see how beautiful the world is, they want to keep seeing it or protect it. Because they can see how f*cked up the world is, they don't want to see it anymore or fix it. But I am lost in a void in between, not knowing what to believe. It makes me feel defense less.

All I feel is hopelessness. Pointlessness. I don't even know why a human being must live. All this complicated bull is summed up to one thing: dysthymia, they call it.

The problem isn't with the blindfold, it's me. My body wouldn't relinquish it. Even if it came off, my eyes would be closed. There's no point.

I don't know why I'm still alive, seeing as there is no point to my existence. Oka-san says that it's thanks to all the therapy. All they're doing is postponing inevitable death.

Oh crap, my thoughts are going that way again. Seems like I need another trip to Chiharu-san.

If I had to choose between like or hate, I'd say I like Chiharu-san, my therapist. She is genuinely trying to help me. Sometimes I do find her approaches annoying or a pain in the a**, but I'm not like all those dramatic sh*ts that turns down a person's goodwill, saying crap like, "You wouldn't understand!" They keep going on and on about how life sucks, but when a person tries to help them out they make it seem like they want their life to suck. In that case, they have no right to complain.

This is only my opinion, though. Maybe those people actually need some understanding, whereas I have nothing to be understood.

That sucks of me, right? Badmouthing those kind of people and then bailing myself out.

Anyway, need to to distract myself.


Another candidate to remove the blindfold has arrived.

"You," I said, and she looked surprised.

"Wh-what?" She blinked. After all, I never responded to her before. Actually, I don't even know what she looks like.

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