F o u r

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"See ya!" The black haired boy called out to his parents, feeling a pang of guilt that he didn't have enough time to hug them.

He broke into an immediate sprint, determined not to be late for school again, considering he flat out skipped it yesterday. Akihiko consistently ran until he skidded to a stop, unamused to who he saw.

"You.. again?" He asked, sighing in slight irritation. The boy tipped an invisible hat, saying, "It's my pleasure to meet you again, Kageyama-san."

"Please, just call me Akihiko. I can't handle the formality, especially with you." The setter bit his lip, now curious to know what Yoichi wanted with him.

"I'm just here to say hello, that's all. I'm not necessarily asking for any favors or anything." He got uncomfortably close to Akihiko, making him back up a bit.

"Umm, don't you have school?" Akihiko asked nervously, but attempted to do his best at changing the topic. Yoichi rolled his eyes and said, "Of course not. It's a school holiday, we have a week off. Does Karasuno not?"

The slightly shorter boy shook his head. "I'm afraid not. I'll be on my way now—" he began to walk away, but was suddenly interrupted by the wing spiker tugging his jacket back towards him.

"Hiko-chan, do you refuse to see my interest in you?" Yoichi asked, lowering his voice into a soft whisper. Akihiko felt his face heat up for whatever reason, but shook his head quickly.

"You're so oblivious, but at the same time, you're so interesting. It's so obvious you're Tobio and Shouyou's child." He chuckled, ignoring the formality of his parent's names, which triggered a bit of anger in Akihiko.

"Oh, I see how it is. You show no respect to my parents, yet you try to be all goody—" his sentence was interrupted by a boy running up to Yoichi, tugging on his jacket.

"Yoichi, Yoichi! Please, you have to help me!" Yoichi turned around to face him, in which his mood instantly changed.

"What do you want, Hiro-chan?" He became more of a parenting figure in a matter of seconds to this boy, for he obviously knew him.

Hey, wait a minute, are they.. twins? Akihiko thought, endeavoring to piece everything together. He looked back and forth between them, the anonymous boy realizing he hasn't presented himself yet.

"Oh, my apologies for not introducing myself sooner! I'm Sachihiro Iwaizumi, but you can call me Hiro-chan!" He said in a bubbly tone, which was drastically different in comparison to his brother's.

"Strange, you two are incredibly different, yet so—" Akihiko wasn't surprised he was interrupted once again, but he was surprised that it was a certain redhead that intercepted his sentence.

"I'm Akane Kageyama, third year in middle school!" His sister popped up behind him, Akihiko personally shocked that she wasn't at school already.

"Akane, what the hell?! You should be at school, you know Dad will kill you if you aren't, due to your awful attendance this year." He scolded his younger sister, smacking her on the head with a karate chop.

"Umm, which one?" She asked, making Akihiko question his scolding. He shrugged and said, going back into his normal, disciplining tone, "I don't know, but hurry up and get your ass to school. NOW."

"Woah, you have a shortie sister?" Yoichi snickered, but she stuck her tongue out at him.

"I may be short, but I can jump high! I'll fly, you just wait and see!" She said determinedly, her ginger hair even blowing in the wind to give emphasis on her goal.

Akihiko kicked his sister's shin, indicating she should leave this instant. "Ignore this asshole, he's too full of himself." She listened, which was a first, bolting to school as fast as her legs could carry her.

"Ouch, you're calling me an asshole?" Yoichi ran his fingers through his hair. "Look at my brother, just look at him!"

They both turned to look at Sachihiro, who was swarmed by what they assumed were first year high school girls. "Mmm.. you won this time, buddy. I need to get going anyway, you're so annoying." Akihiko stalked away, forcing his hands in his pockets.

Hmm.. he's so interesting. Is it possible that I could be in love with Kageyama-san? Yoichi thought, grabbing his brother by the collar and dragging him away from the high school girls.

He's so obnoxious, yet something makes me wanna keep coming back for more. The setter thought on the other end, focusing on getting to school.

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