F i f t e e n

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"Ah, shit.." Akihiko rubbed his eyes, feeling tired and not well rested whatsoever. "What time is it?"

He rolled over to face the side of the bed where his alarm clock was displayed, shocked to see that it was one in the afternoon. His eyes widened and he jumped out of bed, brushed his teeth, and raced downstairs.

"I'm so sorry! I-I didn't expect to—" he stopped himself when he realized nobody was home. "H-Hello?" He searched around the house, scratching his head in confusion.

Nobody was in the kitchen, living room, dining room, his parents' room, and him and his sister's bedroom. He finally checked the bathrooms and no one was there either.

"Akane! Dad!" He called out, but he only heard echoes in reply.

"I wonder where they could be.." he said out loud, going through the entrance of the house to search outside.

He rounded the side of the house when he was scared by a girl and a party popper. He jumped back, his eyes wide, and she smirked in satisfaction.

"Surprise!" She yelled happily and his fathers both jumped out in sync from opposite ends of the yard.

"Happy birthday!" They all yelled in unison, Hinata throwing jazz hands and Kageyama being unsure what to do with his body.

"Awe.."'Akihiko trailed off, attempting to hold back his excitement and joy. He gave in and gushed, saying, "I love you guys so much! Like, my heart just went whoosh! After you guys jumped out at me though, my heart went gwah!"

Hinata laughed at his son, hugging him tightly. "We're glad we could make you feel amazing today, Akihiko."

Kageyama whipped out a cake and Akihiko's face lit up almost immediately. "C-Coffee cake?!" He exclaimed in excitement.

His parents nodded, shooting Akane a thumbs up for picking out the cake. Akihiko's eyes twinkled in awe and Kageyama lit the candles while he was in heaven.

"Happy birthday to you!" His family sang to him and he closed his eyes, smiling to himself. This is the perfect day, he thought, swaying back and forth to the beat of their off tune song.

"Happy birthday to you!" They finished and he blew out the candles, his family clapping for him. Once he was about to take a bite out of his cake, he heard a ring of a bell in the distance.

His family focused his attention onto wherever the sound came from. Kageyama's eyes widened and Hinata eagerly waved at the boy riding on his bike.

The boy exclaimed, "Yoo-hoo, Hiko-chan!" Akihiko felt his face flush red, denying the reason for being in love with that boy.

The boy parked his bike and pushed his messy brown hair out of his face. He examined the area, his eyes instantly landing on the cake. "Ah! There's a birthday today, I assume?"

"Yep, today's Akihiko's birthday!" Akihiko's shorter father smiled brightly, beckoning to his son.

"Well, my, my." The brown haired boy stood close to Akihiko. "You didn't tell me you had a birthday, we could've planned our date today."

DATE?! Hinata and Akane thought in shock, but Akihiko wasn't surprised Yoichi had worded it like that.

Kageyama was positive he recognized the boy. "Who are you? What are your intentions with my son?"

"I'm Yoichi Iwaizumi," he bowed politely, smirking in reply.

"It's my pleasure to meet you."

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