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"Go, go, go, go, go, Seijoh!" The crowd chanted, led by none other than Oikawa himself. Although Akihiko didn't acknowledge that Yoichi's father was leading it, it most definitely bothered the heck out of him and his teammates. This was only a practice game, but both of the schools' first match of the season, so it wasn't unusual for a mass of people to show up.

"Will they ever shut up?" Karasuno's ace mumbled with Kou, their middle blocker, nodding in agreement.

"Just chill out guys," their captain tried reassuring them. "They're only doing this to make you guys riled up and unable to concentrate on the game."

The rest of their teammates throughout the match mumbled their frustrations, but thankfully, Karasuno was able to take the first set. Aoba Johsai called a timeout in the second set and to Karasuno's surprise, they heard a familiar voice who was yelling, "Fire it up, fire it up, Karasuno! Get it, get it, Karasuno!"

The team turned around to see Hinata Shouyou leading their school, their audience booming with more enthusiasm than Seijoh's. In the crowd, Akihiko was able to spot his younger sister chanting along with Hinata and Kageyama giving his son a thumbs-up.

On the other end, Yoichi became irritated with how noisy the Karasuno crowd was becoming. His brother came up behind him, massaging his shoulders in an attempt to relax him.

"They're just doing this to throw us off our game," his pretty boy brother mumbled to him, only making Yoichi more tense.

"Hiro-chan, I understand that part obviously," he rolled his eyes, clearly irritated. "The part that's most annoying is the appearance."

"Wha—" Sachihiro realized when he got a closer glimpse at who specifically was in the crowd. "Oh." His gaze darkened and the Karasuno pep only made him more determined to beat them.

"Yoichi, you know what to do." The setter nodded at the wing spiker, who almost immediately got the gist.

The ref blew the whistle to resume the game and it was Karasuno's serve, with Hotaru's turn to serve. He hit it over the net with ease, not too hard, but not too soft either.

When Aoba Johsai received it, Sachihiro pretended to look around to find a potential person to spike the ball easily, but in his head, he already knew who he was gonna set it to. At the last minute, he yelled, "Chi-chan!"

By the time Karasuno caught onto their little plan, Yoichi slammed the ball down the line, whiffing past Tsuneo.

The Seijoh audience roared with victory, clacking objects together to make the loudest noises they could. Akihiko glanced over at the scoreboard, seeing that Aoba Johsai had taken a two point lead, making the score seventeen to nineteen.

"Tsuneo!" He shouted at their ace, instantly getting his attention. Akihiko beckoned him to come over to him, whispering that they should fight fire with fire.

"My father taught me how to do a basic quick, do you think we'll be able to pull that off?" The setter finished with Tsuneo nodding eagerly.

They fist bumped each other, yelling, "Let's do this!" Meanwhile this was occurring, it was now Seijoh's turn to serve, their team captain being the server. The crowds were battling for dominance, with, surprisingly, Karasuno succeeding.

The ball barely made it over, Hotaru diving in and sending it back up high in the air. This gave Akihiko enough time to move and set it to Tsuneo, smirking because he already knew what was going to occur.

With speed and stealth, Akihiko set it to the ace, in which he slammed it across the court, harder than Yoichi's line shot. The Karasuno crowd went dead silent and so did their teammates, realizing they had gotten it on the first try.

In just a few seconds, the Karasuno audience burst with joy, their chants even louder than they were previously. The twins stared at the crazy duo, stunned at their ability.

"How the hell—" Yoichi was about to finish, but the ref blew his whistle, signaling for a Karasuno timeout. Hinata and Kageyama looked at each other, both confused because they were doing so well, considering that quick attack they had just pulled off.

"Team, we may have a mighty fast attack, now that Tsuneo and Akihiko were able to pull it off," Coach Ukai began to explain. "But, we have a major issue on our hands." The team was now giving their coach their full attention.

"They'll easily think of a way to counter that; it's how Seijoh is." He finished, with Hotaru cutting in to explain how they should vary their attacks.

"With that being said," their captain finished off, saying,

"Let's take this victory!"

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