Can we get the left an right hemisphere on the same track?
The brain is the vital organ of the central nervous system. It is a complex organ consist of billions of interconnected neurons and glia. The brain has two sides and separated into unique lobes. Each lobe has a specific set of functions.
Although the brain is a complex organ – a hardworking one with a hundred billion neurons, it surprisingly weighs only three pounds. It makes up around 2% of the human weight and only takes up about 20% of the
What is Brain Lateralization?
Information that enters the left hemisphere travel across the corpus callosum going to the right side of the brain and vice versa. The two hemispheres of the brain (right and left hemisphere) function interdependently.
Each of them has a role to play in the processing of information although the other is more dominant in certain functions. The process is called brain lateralization. The degree of brain lateralization is not the same in everyone. (3)
Split-brain experiment
If you cut the corpus callosum and separate the brain's two hemispheres of a patient suffering from severe seizer disorder, the frequency and severity of seizure attack will be reduced significantly.
Credits:human memory .net1. Characteristics of the Right and Left Brain
Left Brain Right Brain
Words and language Symbols and images
Math and science Intuition
Can comprehend Appreciated
Knowing Spatial perception
Credit:owlcation/physiologicalLeft-brained people are said to be more:
detail- and fact-oriented
likely to think in wordsRight-brained people are said to be more:
able to see the big picture
likely to visualize more than think in wordsFunctions and characteristics of each hemisphere
Although people do not fall neatly into the categories of left-brained or right-brained, there are some differences in what the left and right hemispheres do.
Differences in the left and right brain hemisphere function exist in:
This is the domain of the right brain, in both humans and also in non-human primates. Emotions are expressed and recognized in others by the right brain.
The left brain is more active in speech production than the right. In most people, the two main language areas, known as Broca's area and Wernicke's area, are found in the left hemisphere.
Sign language
Visually based languages are also the domain of the left brain. People who are deaf show speech-like brain activity when watching sign language.
Left- and right-handed people use the left and right brain differently. For example, a left-handed person uses their right brain for manual tasks and vice versa.
Handedness is inbuilt, and it can even be detected while the baby is in the womb. Some babies prefer to suck their left or right thumb from as early as 15 weeks.
The two brain hemispheres also differ in what they pay attention to.
The left side of the brain is more involved with attention to the internal world. The right side is more interested in attending to the external world.
Recent brain imaging studies have shown no differences between males and females in terms of their brain lateralization.
Credits:medicalnewstodayWhat side of your brain do you use the most !
Power Of Equilibrium
Cerita PendekDefining equilibrium in many ways public information.