Imagine: They're Here!!!

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      Imagine you just came home from a long day. Lights are off just like you left them,you unlock the door and sigh..... All a sudden the lights flick on and you hear "Love, you're home! I missed you!" You recognize that voice as Ashton, and you're so surprised that you don't even feel him hugging you. Then Calum he walks up to you " What's wrong,Y/N?"  You're shocked into utter silence. The whole gang, Calum,Ashton,Michael,and Luke are sitting on your couch. They're all grinning,and Luke's giggling making you smile. You say " Wh-How- Why are you guys here?" " Well we were just exploring social media, and decide to visit a fan. That fan ended up being you." says Luke " Yea, so we're here." says Ashton and smiles. You are awestruck, suddenly Calum sits up and says" I'm sorry to interrupt but, can I just say Y/N I think I'm in love with you. Based on social media, your outfit, and your reaction, I love you!" " Me too! You're really cute!" says Michael " I agree!" Luke and Ashton say.

      Reaction/Continuation: "Okay guys," I say " Well isn't that ironic! I love you too!" "So which one of us do you choose, Chayla?" says Calum. "Ummm........Let's chat for a little bit. Kay,Love?" So we chat for like ever and giggle constantly. Then Calum's stomach growls. I giggle and say " Looks like someone's tummy is hungry. Let's go find some food." We walk into the kitchen, and I see a note. The note reads:
       We left for a trip to Hawaii! Sorry we didn't tell you sooner love,but we won't be back for a while. Like two weeks honey. Take care emergency money and numbers are in the family safe.
     Luv, Mum

My face remains in shock. " What's wrong?" Ashton and Luke ask me. " I'm home alone for two weeks...." I panic. My breathing quickens, next thing I know I'm in Luke's arms and he's hugging me whispering soothing noises in my ear. I calm down, and he still holds me. He waits two more minutes then looks down at my face ,and says " Are you okay now,Chayla?" "Yea." I say giggling " Oh.... okay. All right.." He says blushing. Suddenly Ashton hurts out shouting" I know, we can stay the night.....for two weeks...I guess." He says awkwardly " I mean if it's okay with you Chayla, I wouldn't mind staying with you. The other guys can leave, but I'll still be here."  He blushes so hard his ears are red, hanging his head in embarrassment. Then he sees me blushing even harder and laughs. " Sure stay here for as long as you like!" I say. The next few days went by in a flash,next was the whole week, then we had only two days left. It dawned on me out of  no where, " We only have two more days guys!" " What?!"  screamed Luke " But there's still things that I haven't sa-" he blushes " What do you mean?" I say confused "Should I do it guys?" Luke says to his band mates. They all nod. " Okay," he sighs " Right from the start Chayla I fell in love with you. And this past week and a few days have made me truly see that we are meant to be."  I pause and think about this week and realise that we really did connect, me and Luke. He continues " So would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? I mean....only if you want to..." he blushes. My heart swells , and Irvin to him and hug him, give him a sweet kiss, and say " Of course! I couldn't live without you anyway!" "Thank goodness," he says as he Iets out a deep sigh " I used all my confidence on that." I smile thankful that I have him forevermore. " So can I go on tour with you guys?" " Of course!" They say in unison. That night me and Luke slept side by side holding hands and sharing a penguin blanket.

(Feel free to insert your name where I put mine,Chayla)

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