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"I- uh?"
Words stutter from your mouth surprised by the goblins sudden interest, you hold onto the reins, grip tightening, a part of you wishing Crapper could run away with you, away from the awkwardness. A small laugh erupts from your companion.
"He isn't actually my son y/n, calm down, I just like you and need to trust you. I think of myself as a caregiver to this group."
You nod, unsurprised by this fact more than anything. You reply, deflecting all suspicion.
"Nott, I promise you they'll be safe, your companions and I met due to chance, if anything I'm grateful, I enjoyed my isolation playing my song but sometimes there's too much of a good thing."
Your conversation continues, the truth revealing how happy you were to be surrounded by new acquaintances. Nott warned you about Caleb, teaching you that his cold exterior won't last. You dismount the horse, following the others actions.
"Thank you Nott, I am glad you can trust me."
A toothy grin smiles at you, poking fun.
"We'll see."
You chuckle, tying your horse to a tree, if anything you worried for it, wouldn't the Gnolls chase after this type of meat? Before leaving you, Nott hands you a small sheathed dagger, winking, hiding this action from the others. She was trying to help. You smile back, mouthing 'thank you' as you attach the blade to your leg. She was nice, acknowledging that an instrument shouldn't of been the only weapon, it'd render you relatively useless.

Fjord ushers you over, keeping you in the middle of the group as the others ready their attack, Jester was seen holding a giant sweet, a lollipop. The look of her weapon confused you, you've never seen a weapon like this, the magic among the group intrigued you. Meat is thrown around you, a waste alas it was good bait. Soon beasts circle you, walking slowly, growling, exposing sickly long fangs.

The next hour was tiring, you couldn't help much which upset you. Occasionally you'd achieve a small hit.
"Congratulations y/n, you're a true warrior now!"
The team beam at you, proud to have seen you unharmed, you were a lower level than the rest. This was somewhat impressive. You watch as one Gnoll, hidden from the others sight drag it's body, fighting until the end. It readys itself to lunge, eyes locking onto Caleb as it's target. As if jumps you cast a simple spell. Shatter. A sudden loud ringing noise came from your lyre, bursting eardrums around you. The gnoll screams in pain, giving you time to face your fears, instinct allowing you to stab the beast with a dagger. Blood sprays at you, covering your face but the beast is dead. You look back to see the group in shock, amazed by your action. You're applauded by Beau who picks you up, swinging you around joyfully and excitedly, proud by your sudden bravery.
"Well done y/n, I grant you the privilege of ear dismembering."
The group laughs at Fjord's remark, beginning to help you collect ears for Jester's prize ear jar before the nights campfire is made.
"Y/n, Caleb, you'll be on first watch, make sure the fire doesn't die and that there isn't anymore Gnolls."
Beau is the one to establish shifts, Caleb and you were first then it was Jester's turn for the rest of the night. Nott winks at you as if she had a part to play, the little goblin was trying to begin matchmaking, this isn't Tusk Love.

"Y/n, I must say you surprised me back there but it only confirmed the card's suspicions."
Molly holds a card in front of you, draping an arm over your shoulder. You both sit on a log, legs warmed by the heat emitting from the fire. Night had fallen, most were asleep.
"The card establishes an act of bravery, a leap of fate that will pay of, good rewards will come from your leap."
You smile, batting Mollys arm away from you, revoking his right to subtle flirtations.
"So, surely that just means a shit ton of coin Molly, I'll take that."
The two of you laugh in agreement, excited for some coin for your efforts.
"Exactly, y/n you should come on more travels if it's coin you desir-"
Molly is cut off by a sharp scoff, your gaze shifts from each other to meet this third party, Caleb. It was time for duty.
"Is it time for your shift already Caleb? Stealing my precious y/n from me?"
"Ja, apologies, unless you'd rather take the shift."
"Fuck that, y/n's yours."
Molly chuckles, patting the wizard on his back before laying down, tangling himself between the others. Caleb takes his place on the log.

"Don't you boys have manners, speaking about me like some meat."
You prodd at caleb, taking initiative to start conversation.
"Isn't that all you are?"
He laughs, amused by his own remark, your hand lightly taps the back of his head, scolding him.
"Remember I'm your saviour Caleb. You were hurt back there, one more hit and that Gnoll could've knocked you out."
He nodded, creating silence around the two of you, both unsure what to say next. Caleb's hands twiddle, fidgeting as you look off into the distance, occasionally glancing to check the horses.
"You know y/n, I've hurt a lot of people, not all justified. But you, you show potential, honour, bravery. There should be more people like you, perhaps my change will allow me to follow in your footsteps."
His head is hung down, away from your gaze, it was clear that was difficult for him.
"You're miles better than I Caleb, you just don't acknowledge your own achievements. I thought you hated me."
He laughs, eyes meeting yours.
"I just told you I admired you, why did you think I hated you?"
You don't answer, cheeks flushing red as you feel embarrassed.
"Doesn't matter! Are we at least friends now?"
You smile back, grinning at the wizard as you share this moment of genuine happiness. It felt as if all tension and awkwardness made sense, it melted away as the two of you grew closer.
"Ja, of course y/n, I'd like that"
His words stutter, your head leans on him as you begin to grow tired, eyelids periodically closing, feeling comforted. You're snapped out of thoughts as a loud "Awwwwww" emits from the blue tiefling as she teases the two of you, squealing.
"I think I've found the new Tusk Love! How romantic!"
Pleads from both of your mouths erupts, pleading innocence, you both became embarrassed before deciding to give up, heading to the "bed" the two of you had to share for the night. Jester was relentless with her teases.

The next morning you felt something under your waist as you stirred awake, your bolt up as you acknowledge a arm was beneath you, terrifying you. Your breath hitches before acknowledging it was only Caleb's, surely that was only an accident.

You feel a hand tapping your head.
"About time y/n we're leaving to get our reward, let's go."
Beau pulls you up, not allowing you to wake up, they were all to excited for coin. As were you to be fair.

The lonely bard - Caleb Widogast x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now