Chapter 5: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

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"C'mon Aeryn..." John whispered impatiently to himself, still hoping for a response from her.

"John?" It was Chiana.

John perked up when he heard the voice come from his comms, thinking it was Aeryn. And to be honest he was slightly disappointed.

"Pip, did you find em?" John wanted to hear her to say yes. He needed to hear her say yes.

"No, I can't find them."

John was angry, not at Chiana, but at the Scarrans for even being here in the first place. He left his little hide to look for them on his own.

He didn't get very far before something hit the back of his head and he blacked out.

Upon opening his eyes everything was blurry and spinning. His head hurt like hell to no surprise, and he didn't recognize his current surroundings. As his vision stabilized and objects came into focus, he realized he was on a Peacekeeper ship. A black figure entered into the room John was tied up in.

"Hello, John."

Who else other than good ole Scorpy.

John scoffed, not surprised at all by his situation. "Ya know the whole kidnapping thing is getting kinda old. If you wanted to talk, all you had to do was ask."

Scorpius approached John.

"What do you want Scorp?"

"I simply want to offer you a proposition, John. One that I believe will benefit the both of us."

John remained quiet, just fantasizing all the ways he would kill the bastard if he had the chance.

"The Scarran's, if you haven't figured it out by now, have Aeryn and your son in their possession."

John cut him off before he could finish the rest of his speech. "Let me guess, you are gonna blackmail me by saying you will help get Aeryn and D'Argo back if I give you the wormhole knowledge, blah blah blah."

"You're catching on quite well John."

"You know damn well I no longer have that information Scorpius."

"You'd be correct. You don't, however your son does." Scorpius gave a conniving smile.

"Hey Scorpy, I have an idea," John said sarcastically then sternly added, "Fuck. Off."

"Have it your way John, but just in case you forgot..." Scorpius leaned into close proximity of John's face. "The Scarrans will kill Aeryn, D'Argo, and your new baby when they get the chance."

Scorpius made his way towards the exit.

"...wait," John reluctantly begged. He let out a sigh before agreeing to Scorpius' terms. "I'll give you the wormhole knowledge, even though I don't have it, but I'll find a way to give it to you."

Scorpius turned around and smiled. "Glad to hear you see it my way John."

"Oh, and Aeryn, D'Argo, the baby...unharmed or the deal is off."

"You have my word, John."

Aeryn and D'Argo were shoved carelessly into a holding cell until Emperor Staleek, she assumed, came to probe and interrogate them. She grunted as she pushed and pulled on the door, even while knowing her efforts were futile.

"Mom..." D'Argo's voice sounded shaky.

She stopped and sighed with her hands still on the door.

"Those are the bad guys you and Dad talked about, aren't they."

"Yes," she nodded and kneeled down to face her son.

"D'Argo, the bad guys will come in here at some point and possibly take you away from me. If that happens, I need you to remain calm. They will ask you questions, lots of questions. Tell them the truth. Whatever you do, do not create any wormholes. Your father and I WILL find you if we are separated." She cupped one of his cheeks with her hand. "I love you." She tried her best to hold back tears, she did not want her son to see how frightened she truly was.

"I love you too," he replied and gave her a tight hug.

The unlikely pair, John and Scorpius, were headed toward the Scarran base on which Aeryn and D'Argo were being held. The half Scarran was not a fool, he had connections and spies aboard the base. Having a second pair of eyes, or a couple, would help Scorpius keep his promise to John and get him the wormhole knowledge he so longed for.

"Exactly how are you planning to get us in there?" John was waiting to hear Scorpius' 'brilliant' plan.

"You'll have to trust me on this John. Do as I say, and you will be reunited with your family, I gave you my word, remember?"

"Yeah, kinda hard to trust the guy who has lied and manipulated me for nearly a decade."

Scorpius was right, if he wanted his family back John would have to have faith in the old bastard.

"As you know my second in command, Lt. Braca, has served as a spy on my behalf many occasions. His current location is aboard this Scarran base. He will aid in our attempt to retrieve your family."

John shook his head and gave a slight laugh. "Uh huh yeah no, there is no attempt. We either get them off that base or die trying. And I ain't going back to Moya empty handed."

The door to Aeryn and D'Argo's holding cell opened. A Scarran soldier stood in the door frame. The two were sitting on the cold floor of the cell, Aeryn tried her best to move in front of her son.

"You," the soldier pointed at D'Argo. "The Emperor wants to see you."

The boy's face dropped; he was absolutely terrified of what lied ahead. Aeryn tried to interfere and keep them from taking her son away, but her efforts failed as the soldier kicked her. She fell to the ground, hitting her head on the way down, disorienting her from the situation. The Scarran grabbed D'Argo by the arm, dragging him out of the holding cell. Aeryn stood up as fast as she could still disoriented, but the door slammed shut and locked behind her.

"Remember what I told you!" Aeryn shouted out to D'Argo, unsure if he could hear her.

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