Christmas Gift (Chapter 13)

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Chapter 13

Y/N P. O. V
(After reaching Amusement Park...)
We passed our time in the cab till we reached Park by listening songs (I am talking about Y/N and Seohyun)....
"Okay! We have reached so yup enjoy yourselves while Me and Seohyun will have fun together!" Jimin said.
"Let's meet here where we are standing after 2 hours!" Seohyun said.
"Hmmm.. Okay!" You said.
"Okay! Enjoy!" Tar added.
They both went to have fun and ride different rides....
While Me and Tar were left behind....
"Let's go! Which ride do you want to ride?" You asked.
"Ummm... I am just fine with anything!" He said.
"Okay! Let's ride the Roller Coaster first! Am so excited to ride it!"

Kim Taehyung P. O. V
She dragged me to that horrific ride... I was so scared but the way she holded my hands and dragged me was so pleasuring... I forgot all the fear and was so happy.... I stared her while running and she looked at me and smiled... Then she looked forward and continued running while holding my hand... Her hairs were in the air touching the soft aroma of it... She looked so angelic...
We sat on that horrifying ride and all I just prayed was for me to not die yet.....
"Are you excited?" She asked while being super excited.
"Pardon?.... Ohh yes!" I said.
But from inside I was so scared and was praying every second... I was so terrified by the fact that ride will start soon enough!

Y/N P. O. V
We sat on the ride and I was so excited to try all the rides in the Park yet this was my only first ride by now.... I have always been fond of riding these rides.... I don't know but they are very helpful to relieve stress and all the depression in you will vanish immediately after riding these kinds of adult rides.... I just enjoy it till the fullest!....
(Ride Started)

 (Ride Started)

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(Just a glimpse..Imagine this cartoon picture as Tae and Y/N)

I screamed my throat out of happiness and excitement.... While Tae, I could look he was scared to death... He was so scared that he holded my hands so tightly... I realised that he is so scared of these rides but he still came with me and didn't say a word.... I decided to not ride anymore though I was planning to ride all... Tae! I can make sacrifices too! If you are the one! I thought in my mind.

Kim Taehyung P. O. V
After the ride ended... I was able to take a peaceful breathe.... Yet their were so many rides to ride more... I had a look and my head spinned.....
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Ohhh Yeah! I am fine! Am just not used to these things so I am kinda new you know... But don't worry I will ride all the rides together with you" I said.

Y/N P. O. V
Though he said those words to make me happy and not make me feel alone.... I could see the fear and terror he had in him... He was just too scared.... I got to see this version of him after a very long time..... Like for the very first time... He was such a scared baby... And all he goes acting so strong mentally and physically...
"Come! Let's take a break!" I holded him as his head was spinning...
We sat on the bench and he closed his eyes for a while... It seemed like he really is not used to these things!
"Wait here! I will come in a bit!" I said and went to bring water for him...

Kim Taehyung P. O. V
"Y/N! Where are you going?" I couldn't follow her as she ranned and my head was spinning badly...
"Here!" She came and handed me a water bottle.... She opened the cap for me.... I was so embarrassed as she was treating me like a baby of hers....
After I drinked water I felt a bit good now...
"Here! Have some ice-cream!" She gaved me a cup of ice cream...
"Ahh.. Thankyou!" I said.
We were eating our ice creams and suddenly-
"Look the way you eat your ice cream.... Spreading it all over!" She said this and started wiping the ice cream around my lips with her bare hands.... I was so shocked but it mad my heart flutter.... I froze for a moment...

Y/N P. O. V
After doing that for a moment I realised for what I really was doing!.... I looked at him and he was staring me while my hands were still wiping his mouth.... I stopped and immediately stopped wiping his mouth....
"Ahh Sorry! I didn't realise---
Before I would say a word more he pecked my lips!
" Y/N, Listen carefully to what I am going to confess now...... I really like you Y/N actually I guess I love you!..... I have been in love you with you from the very start but I was always afraid if you would reject me and the friendship between us two will end too!..... I was so scared that I never gathered the courage to confess it to you...... But nowadays, I just don't know what have happened to me but I can't seem to live without you... Like my every moment just waits for you to come... I am not able to hold it back anymore.... All I think is about you and only you...... I want you in every moment with me... I want to win you over!... I want to keep you by my side forever like never want to part away with you..... Actually, I never even imagined parting away with you.... I just am so terrified with the fact that you will reject me and we won't be able to be friends again!... But,I can't hold it back anymore..... I just am saying it without hesitation right now.... I Love You, Y/N!"
After saying this much of a confession he finally tooked a breathe.... It seemed like he couldn't look into my eyes and was looking around being super nervous and worried.... But little did he know that I would never ever reject him...Not even in my Dreams or Imaginations....
"Wow! That was fast! Actually Tae I like you too! I have always liked you.... And I will keep liking you.... Thank you for confessing it all as I was not able to hold back too!..... I also keep thinking about you these days... And it's just that you don't have to worry about me rejecting you... As I would never even think of doing that..... I like you more than you like me"... I said.
"No! I like you more and What, you like me?... Am I dreaming?.... Woahhh! I really am the luckiest now... Does this mean that you accept my confession?" He asked looking right into my gaze..... The happiness filled in his eyes made me say..
"Yes! I accept you! I like you too!"
"Ahh... What should I do? What should I do?" He roamed a bit from excitement and hesitated a bit to take his next move but finally hugged me tight.. He broked the hug, Looked into my eyes and smiled so brightly that I teared up happily and then he hugged me again!....
"Y/N! I really can't express my happiness right now and I am so happy that I just would die from the happiness---" He said.
"Shhh, Don't talk about dying... We have just started now!... We have our future waiting for us!".... I said while keeping my finger on his lips and stared his lips for a while.... I thought that these lips just pecked me before.... Not much time have passed but why do I want them so eagerly... I wanted to kiss him... I was hungry for his lips....

Kim Taehyung P. O. V
She said that while keeping her finger on my lips and I could see that she was staring at my lips... She wanted them! I thought this is the right moment to do my move even though we are in a public place.... We were sitting on a bench...
"Y/N, I love you so much!" After saying this I smashed my lips into her...

Y/N P. O. V
I was shocked for a moment but then I kissed him back as I wanted to kiss him so badly.. He grabbed my waist and pulled me more closer... He kept kissing my upper lip while I kissed his lower ones... We continued for a long time and then broked the kiss....
I looked around and realised that we were so fallen into each other and were kissing so passionately that we didn't notice people surrounded near us.... They were taking pictures and videos of us kissing.. I didn't get bothered about that fact as kissing is normal but I sawed Seohyun and Jimin were there too! They sawed us doing that too!.... I was so shocked and they came near us.....
"So you both having a thing already without us letting know! Huh??" She asked while teasing us!
"Ahhh Seohyun! It's not like that! I-I-I-" Tae stucked like his voice just dissapeared.... .
"First of all, Let's get out of here, Just look the people surrounded near us... Actually, They are waiting for you both to continue!" Jimin said while smirking with a look of teasing us.....
"Ahh... Yes, Let's get out of here! And Jimin you better don't give me that look!....Or else you are a dead meat!" .... You said while giving Jimin the dead stare.....

...... Next Chapter will be released shortly.... Hope you enjoyed.... 😃😃

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