Chapter 1

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Jimin's POV

A lovely,nice and shinny morning.Really warm and comfortable.Though I don't have classes now since it's vacation still I'm an early riser so I can't help but get up early as usual. As soon as I open my eyes a beautiful smell hit my nose.It didn't take much time to realize that mom's making my favourite traditional korean pancakes.What a great way to start the morning.Isn't it~?!

Soon I heard footsteps coming towards my room and when the door opened it ,revealed mom.

Mom: Good morning,Chim.

Me: Good morning mom

Mom: I was just about to wake you up.By the way get freshen up and come downstairs fast. I'm making your fav----

I cut off her sentence already knowing what she's about to say.

Me: Traditional Korean pancakes~ *smiles widely*

Mom: Right~! now come fast otherwise it'll get cold, dear.

Me: Prepare the food and i'll be there in no time.

Mom: Okay,be quick~ *smiles warmly and leaves the room*

As soon as she went out I ran to my closet, picked something comfy to wear and went to the bathroom to take a short yet nice bath. After couple of minutes finally I was done so I head to down stairs without wasting even a single moment. As I reached the dining hall I found my parents in the dining table waiting for me.

Me: Good morning Dad.

Dad: Good morning Jimin.

I smiles at him and then took my seat.Mom started to serve our food.

Dad: Jimin,I have something important to tell you.

Me: Yes Dad ,tell me.~ *confused yet curious tone*

Mom: Atleast let him finish his breakfast.

Me: No mom it's fine.Dad,you continue.

Dad: Jimin,We know that you have always wanted to go to Seoul and continue your study there but you're our one and only child so we always wanted you to stay in front of our eyes. Then we thought about it once again and now we have come to a decision.Hope you'll agree with us.

Me: o-of course Dad.Whatever you and mom will decide would must be for my betterment and I'm happy with whatever you have chosen for me.

It's true that I really want to go to Seoul for my study and wanna get graduated from there but I can also understand my parents's point of view and as they are my parents they will always choose the best for me and if they are happy it goes with saying that I would be happy too.

Dad: *smiles* So as long as it's about your better future we have decided to let you go there and accomplish your dreams.

My eyes widened what he said now.I couldn't believe my own ears.Am I in dream ??

Dad: But you are still so young and we really worry if you can take care of yourself or not.So we have decided that you will move in with Taehyung.

Now I got another shocking news.Taehyung is my only friend and also my besfriend.Our families also have really good relationship.He's like a brother to me.We have been togther since our elementary school days but after that his family sent him to Seoul for studying and we got separated.

Me: R-really dad? are you serious?~
I pinched myself to make sure that I ain't dreaming.

Mom: *chuckles* Yes dear,your dad is serious.Even your admission formalities are also done.You'll read in the same school as Taehyung and also live with him in his apartment.We and Taehyung's parents have settled everything.Take a look at this.

She gave me a file with all the papers of my admission and also bus's ticket of tomorrow for my journey to Seoul.

Really! I have the best mom and dad in the world.I'm the luckiest kid ever!!~

Me: Oh Mom ,dad I love you ,love you,love you~ *Almost screaming in excitement*

Seeing me so much happy both of them smiled.We then hugged in a group and smiled widely at each other.

Mom: But everyone forgot my pancakes~!

Me: No mom, I can never forget that magical taste.

I quickly grabbed my plate and started eating not caring that I'm bloating my cheeks.Both mom and dad chuckled looking at me and then they also sat down and we continue eating,chit-chatting a bit.

<<<<<<<Time Skip>>>>>>>
[ Evening ]

Jimin's POV

I was in my room,packing necessary things for me such as my clothes,Books and also other probably needed items.

Mom: Chim??

I looked at mom who was peeking through the half-opened door.

Me: Yes mom~!

Mom: Let me help you~!

She smiles and then starts to pack my things.

Me: There's no need mom.I can do these things myself you know~ *smiles cutely*

Mom: please let me help you.Atleast I would have some time with my chim~

She looked at me with puppye eyes.Her voice sounded shaky and sad, her eyes were sparkling with tears as if she's trying hard to hold them and prevent from flowing.

Me: w-what happend mom..? why are you saying like this..?

Mom: Jimin you are my only child,without you this house will feel so empty and..

she suddenly stopped her words and hugged me tightly as I hugged her back,feeling emotional as well.

Me: I know mom,I will miss you and dad too.But once I'm done with my study I'll come back to you for ever , plus I'll always be visiting here every vacation~!

I try to smile so that she also feels cheerful once again and it worked.She smiled back at me.

Mom: Aww~ you're right.Now let's go on with the packing!

Me: of course mom~

we smiled once again and then continued with the packing.After a while ,finally we were done with the packing.

<<<<<<Time skip>>>>>>
[ Night ]

After dinner I went to my room to sleep early tonight cause I have to wake up really early tomorrow and I also need a good sleep to prepare myself for the long journey.

But i could hardly sleep because of excitement.

'Everything is getting better now,I hope this will continue in the upcoming days too',I say to myself as I hugged a pillow tightly and soon fell asleep with a big smile on my face that contains a lots of hope and aspiration.
A/N : Hey there beautiful humans 🥰It's my first ever story 😅 so I hope I would get all of your support and I promise that I would update regularly.
I purple you all 😊💜

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