The Unfortunate One.

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Charlie POV:

Cassie answered her phone after the third try. Third times a charm, right? Or not. "Cassie, I need you to tell me the truth because I don't know what to believe anymore. Please tell me its not you sending the messages" Josh stood in front of me, his hands over his face. Its like he didn't want me to find out, like he cared. "Im sorry Charlie, but I can't" my face dropped and my heart sank. My best friend turned out to be my enemy and I ended up being the stupid idiot that didn't believe the truth. "No, you can, it wasn't you! You wouldn't do that, you're my best friend. Why would you hurt me?"

She didn't answer, I heard her breath shudder and it was obvious that she was crying. Her breath was like a hic up now and again. "I was jealous Charlie" she manager push out through the tears that I imagined dripping down her face "you have it all, you had me a best friend, a job, house and then Josh" I didn't agree with what she was saying at all but I let her continue "I had nothing. Ethan. That was it, all I have is Ethan and when he finds out he'll leave me"

All of this still didn't explain as to why Ethan fired me when I'd done nothing to be fired over. "I told Ethan that you set me up with Matt because he's better than him" I didn't set then up. I didn't even know that they were spending time together. "Im really sorry Charlie, I just let the jealousy get the best of me" I should be a little bit pissed off at her I guess but all I can feel is hurt and betrayal. "I don't have it all, I lost my dad Cass, my own dad died and now all that's left is a reminder everywhere that I never even got to say goodbye to him. You had the perfect life. A fiance who loves and adores everything about you and a family! Josh is my friend just like what you used to be!!"

I have nothing. Not anymore anyway. "You took what I had, you took it and now what am I left with? An empty feeling where you were supposed to be, what happened to friends Cassie!?" I hung up on her as I started to get angry, I refused to cry. I did not want to cry in front of Josh again. I'm not crying.

Josh looked at me with a sympathetic look taking over his face, he went to talk but I waved my hand to stop him. "Please don't, Im fine" Im 18 I can handle myself. Even with telling him not too he still spoke "Im sorry" he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed tightly. I blinked back the tears that were on the verge of exiting my eyes. I'll be okay.


I spend most of my days with the guys now. I haven't spoke to Cassie in two weeks. Ethan forgave her, and they're getting married in a month apparently. Since we fell out I got closer to Josh and visited my gran more. She was in a nursing home now and we were the only family either of us had left.

I was sitting in my room listening to music. I've held back so many tears since I've fallen out with Cassie, there are moments where I just remember stuff and the memories just add to the pain. I had my diary in my hand and all I could think about was how much I missed my dad. I was always closer to my dad that I was my mum.

'Dear Dairy;

I really want my dad. I know that I can't have him back and he's gone now, but I just need him. So this is going to be a different diary entry im treating you like my dad, I hope you don't mind.

Dad; Do you remember the last Christmas we spent together? I do. We messed around in the kitchen making cupcakes for later in the day. I remember all the presents under the tree. It looked beautiful. It even snowed that day. We watched movies with Gran on the sofa. We even sang along to Bon Jovi and air guitared to Aerosmith.  

We found out that you had a brain tumor a few months after that...

I think about it a lot. It was the best Christmas ever, we were so happy, but you went away. You're not here anymore. You used to tell me that Grandad was looking down on me and he would always be with me, does that apply to you dad? Because I really hope so! I really need you right now. I've broke up with Luke and I think I miss him. Also,I've fallen out with Cassie, it turns out she was sending me those awful messages. I kind of miss her too.

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