Both feet on the ground

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Picture of Dexter.


***Alex's P.O.V.***

So turns out Nick didn't understand after all. I don't know what the hell was in his head but my conclusion for sure wasn't. See I saw my dad happy, so I figured maybe I could be nice. For his sake. I realized I was quite selfish with all the complaining. Dad really wanted us to be family, so I promised myself I'd try.

As you probably guessed that didn't work. Nick and I weren't on the same page, so when I tried to be nice he thought I was pulling some kind of prank. He wanted to trick me first, hence my hair covered in glitter. I washed it twice and it didn't help. 

I was packing my things in the locker, thinking of revenge, when Maria appeared next to me. My friends have a tendency to do that. Like giving me a heart attack was their secret mission.

"Hey, how was your weekend?"- she asked cheerfully.

"Okay, I guess. Nothing special. Yours?"-I said returning the smile, less enthusiastic though.

"Great. I went to Jammie's party. But you know that. Still don't get why you didn't come with me..."- she started, but I knew where this was going so I said: "You know I'm not a party person."

"Well, you should be. Live a little. You're young and single. Go out, hook up..."

"I don't want to know. "- H said throwing his hands in the air, as he approached us.

"Then you shouldn't eavesdrop, Jay."- she said crossing her arms. 

"You're in a public place, Maria."

"Please don't start you two."- I said in a very pleading voice. I loved them both. But they can sometimes be too much. They always bicker. Like an old married couple. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing between them. They are friends, but they mostly hang out because of me.

"So... Peter's party Friday?"- H asked, looking at me. Okay, Alex, focus. An excuse. I need an excuse. 

"Nope. Sorry, H, but it wouldn't be fair. I didn't go with Maria on Saturday."- I said, trying to get out of this situation. I really wasn't in the mood to be around drunk teens.

"Well, then this must be your lucky day. Cause I'm coming as well."- Maria said and I let out a groan.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Forgot about me?

I smiled and texted him back.

How could I, went you keep texting me, blondie?

I've been texting Archie for a week now. I have to admit he's quite funny.

"Um, hello, Earth to Lexy?"- Maria said waving her hand in front of my face. I look up at her with a questionable look. "Who's got you in the clouds?"

"Both feet on the ground."- I said looking back at my phone. There was another message.

You, me, date, 6 p.m.? ;)

I replied:

Thought you'd never ask.

"So you're going?"- H asked. I didn't really know what he talked about so I just said "Huh?"

"On the ground my ass."- Maria mumbled.

"To the party, E. Are you going to the party?"

"I guess."- I said letting out a sigh.

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