Chapter Four: Her

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Hiya! Before we begin today I wanna thank my little brother for listening to me read these chapters. I won't put his name for safety reasons but he let me read these to him so I can double check, go back and see any typos so that y'all get the best reading experience. So thanks bro! And thanks for introducing me to this wonderful TV show!

On with the story.

No one bothered him. Raph fell asleep on the couch last night watching some horror movie. When he did wake up, Mikey was already glued to the TV but not watching Crognard. Watching..........the news?

"Since when do you watch the news?" Raph asked, sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"It interrupted Crognard!" Mikey whined, pointing at the news reporter, Carlos Chang O'Brien Gambe. Oh yea, things were back to normal. Mikey was whining over something completely ridiculous, Donnie was hiding in his lab and Leo meditating with Sensei. This was home.

"What's happening?" Raph asked.

"Something about some bank robbery. I don't know. I kinda zoned out. How are you?" Mikey asked, turning his body away from the TV and towards his big brother.

"Okay, I guess." Raph replied.

"Well, we missed you, Raphie." Mikey smiled, turning back towards the TV.

"Raphie?" Raph repeated.

"Oh sorry, Raph! Don't kill me!" Mikey pleaded, covering his face with his hands.

"No, it's okay. Just different." Raph smiled.

"You're not mad?" Mikey asked.

"No, it's just been a while since I heard that name." Raph responded. Mikey stood up and walked over to Raph, sitting down next to him. Mikey wrapped his arms around his brother, leaning his head on Raph's shoulder.

"Glad you're alright." Mikey smiled. He got up and walked into the kitchen.

Raph watched his youngest brother walk into the kitchen.

Wow! Raphie!

He sat back to try and relax a little. It had been so long since Raphael had gotten a decent nights sleep. He was loving it. But having to sleep in such complicating positions caused the hotheaded turtle to wake up uncomfortable and sore. But, he was exhausted. He laid his head back down on the pillow to try and get some more much needed sleep.


It was so great! Sleep! Raph was being tortured that entire time and was unable to get a single minute of rest. So the sleep he was regaining now, felt so much better than it should.

"Raph!" April gasped as she ran into the Lair. The hotheaded turtle shot awake at the sound of his own name.

"Oh sorry, were you sleeping?" she asked sitting down beside him.

"Yea." Raph yawned.

"Sorry! I'm just so glad you're okay!" she cheered hugging him. Applying pressure to his dislocated shoulder, the red banded turtle grunted.

"Sorry!" April whined.

"It's good." Raphael smiled.

"Well, I'll let you go back to sleep, Donnie's helping me with a science project." April explained as she got off the couch.

"Sweet dreams!" she cheered, walking into the lab.

Great! Now he couldn't sleep. He turned the TV onto the movie channel, hoping the movie that was on last night was being run again. He didn't get to see if the killer won.

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