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*Annabeth's POV*
It was 7:59 and I was running home. I had forgotten about what Barry and Iris wanted to talk to me about. I ran into the door. They were sitting at the table. "8:01, good job." Barry laughed. I nodded, closing the front door.
I sat with them at the table.
"So, since we are fostering you, you aren't officially apart of the family. Annabeth, we're going to adopt you." Iris announced.
"Are you serious?"
"Yes!" Barry cheered.
"That means I will be sort of legally related to Wally..." I said awkwardly.
"Yes, but since I have instincts and I predict you two will be a "thing" you guys could date." Barry said.
That's the thing. We're already kinda dating.
"Yeah, that's kinda weird, Barry." Iris said. "It can happen."
"I am just gonna go in my room. I'm tired... goodnight." I said and rushed into my room.
I was dating my adoptive mom's sibling's son. This is complicated.
* * *
We watched as Iris reported on the aliens. I knew this was a simulation, but we couldn't just play it off. Suddenly, Barry appeared on the screen. Iris was suddenly on a building and Barry on another. Then, they were zapped. Barry was gone.
Just a simulation.
"No..." Iris whispered. Then she was zapped too.
Just a simulation.
Red Tornado radioed in, "I'm afraid I am all that is left of the Justice League."
And he got zapped.
"That means its left to us." Robin announced.
"Well, where do we strike first?" I asked.
"Well, one of the ships is nearing Superman's Fortress of Solitude." Robin informed.
"Superman has a fortress of solitude?" Connor asked, obviously upset. "I guess there is a lot of things I don't know about him."
Soon, we were in the Bio-ship and heading off. As we traveled, the whole team was talking but I stayed silent. I kept repeating in my head: this isn't real. Then my mind snapped when somebody said, "Girl Flash, we landed." It was Wally. I nodded and we walked out together. "That's weird..." Robin said.
"What is it?" I asked.
"You and KF aren't arguing."
"Well, we are in a serious situation. We have to be serious." Wally said and put on a "serious" face. I started laughing, and then he started laughing with me... Or at me.
Robin gave us a thumbs up.
Then, M'gann had the Bio-ship having a new laser reinstalled. But then more aliens came. We fought off a few, but it was no use. We all ran into the ship, but Artemis was still shooting. "Artemis, hurry!" I cried.
She ran, and I almost ran out to grab her, but it was too late. She was zapped. Then, this didn't feel like a simulation anymore. This was real. "Artemis!" M'gann cried.
We loaded into the Bio-ship. Wally and I sat by each other, and he looked a bit angry. I grabbed his hand an he looked over at me, with a smile. "Where off to next?" I asked nobody in particular.
"The Hall of Justice," Aqualad answered.
We arrived to the hall. Military ships were scattered all around. We shot a few ships with our new laser, and landed. We exited the Bio-ship and the soldiers greeted us. We entered the hall and looked at the fallen statues. M'gann kneeled at her uncle's and sobbed, then we heard a groan. M'gann dug through the rubble and yelled, " Uncle J'onn!" We all crowded to see Martian Manhunter holding his head.
Wally's light bulb popped, and so did mine. We rushed out to the laser and starting rambling. "This laser contains the same stuff that the zeta beams use!" I yelled.
"That means it doesn't kill, it transports!" Wally finished.
"Which means Artemis is alive!" I cheered. Wally rammed into me with a hug.
Everyone rushed out, and asked what was wrong. "This doesn't kill, it teleports!" I explained.
"Which means Artemis Is still alive!" Wally exclaimed.
Then, the aliens came. "Run, run!" Aqualad ordered. We all obeyed. M'gann a Connor went into the zeta. I looked back to see Aqualad helping a soldier. "Aqualad!" I yelled.
"Girl Flash, come on!" Wally yelled as he grabbed my hand and we disappeared into the zeta.
We were back in the cave.
"Aqualad..." M'gann whispered.
"I think we need to attack the mother ship." Robin informed.
"We have to. It is our only chance." I answered.
* * *
Kid Flash, Robin, and I, ran around the spaceship. "Connor! No..." M'gann yelled telepathically.
"It's okay, we'll find him with Artemis... And Aqualad. And everyone else." Wally responded.
"I don't sense anyone here." Martian Manhunter said.
"I've been looking for team traces, there's nothing. I'm sorry Wally." Robin said.
I grabbed Wally's hand and squeezed it. "But that doesn't mean we can't explode this place." Robin said, grabbing his bomb chain.
We ran, hid, ran, hid, and ran some more. We went to the core of the ship. We fell on a platform and planted the bomb. "You knew." Wally said. Robin nodded and we ran. Soon, I tripped. Wally grabbed my hand, pulling me up. Hand in hand, we ran as fast as Robin could. The door was shutting from the mothership. "Annabeth, run as fast as you can to the door. Run." Wally informed.
"No, no. I'm not going without you guys." I said.
"Then I'll do it for you." He said sternly he grabbed me and ran as fast as he could, but tripped. The door closed and we were still inside.
"Wally..." I said. "We're trapped."
"It's okay. It's okay." He hugged me.
"Wally... I-I love... I love y-"
And an explosion went through the ship.
And everything was black.

A/N: haii ur cool idk what to say here oops this was really lonG IM SORRY

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