Joker/Akira Kurusu

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Joker x Female! Reader

Notes: Reader's code name is "Ace" and persona (in the picture above) is called "Poseidon"


Title: More than a Leader


"Joker! There's too many of them," Panther called out, killing a shadow as she heavily panted. You clicked your tongue in annoyance as more and more shadows popped up out of nowhere. It wasn't looking very good for the team. You were exhausted and you could feel the fatigue slowly getting to your head, the rest of the team not doing any better than you.

A shadow lashed out at Joker, however, you jumped in front of him and took the hit instead. You groaned in pain while you knelt down on the floor trying to catch your breath.

"Ace!" Joker shouted with concern lacing his voice. You held your hand up and gave him a tired smile.

"I'm alright," you wheezed. "We have to finish this."

You stood up by Joker's side and gave him a determined grin. He relaxed his shoulders while you both turned and face the shadows again. You reached for your mask, grasping it tightly and yanked it off your face, calling your persona.

"Come to me," you said. "Poseidon!"

Poseidon emerged from behind you, swinging his sword around while glaring down at the shadows around you. You smiled, feeling at ease now that Poseidon was by your side.

"Go, Poseidon!"

Poseidon swung his sword over your head, creating a large tsunami wave that swept away most of the shadows away, leaving only two that your team could easily handle. You grinned at your persona's power and turned to Joker. He returned your smile with a smirk of his own before running forward and finishing the personas with his dagger.

Your team breathed a sigh of relief. Poseidon retreated and your mask appeared on your face once more. You laid your hands on your knees, exhausted from the fight when you felt a slap on your back.

"Hey, Ace!" Skull shouted. "Next time, let's start with that!"

You laughed and shook your head in disbelief. "That attack takes up most of my energy," you explained. "Honestly, I'm surprised I even managed to call Poseidon in my state."

Skull brushed it off and while your team headed for the Mona-Car, you felt Joker pull on your wrist. You looked over your shoulder and saw Joker's grey eyes pierce into yours. You felt his hand slowly trail down to your fingers and intertwined them with his. Your face flushed with embarrassment.

"Thank you," he muttered.

"O-Of course, J-Joker," you stuttered out. "A-Anything for our leader."

Joker frowned at your last remark but proceeded to drive the Mona-Car out of Mementos.


Once back to reality, everyone went their separate ways, exhausted by the mission we took. You stopped by a vending machine to grab a soda when you felt someone tap on your shoulder. You turned around and found Akira standing behind you with his signature soft smile.

"Hey, Akira," you said. "Aren't you heading home?"

"I wanted to walk you home if that's okay," he said, scratching the back of his neck with embarrassment. 

You smiled and nodded. Akira grinned and quickly followed after you as you both made your way back to your apartment you shared with your older brother. 

You both talked about school, hobbies, and the phantom thieves as well as how fun it was to tease Ryuji when he was flustered. You both laughed and quickly became more comfortable around each other. 

Sooner than you would have liked, you were in front of your apartment building. It was getting late and you didn't want Akira to stay up more than he needed to.

"Well, this is my stop," you said, holding your bookbag in front of you as you turned to face Akira.

Akira looked at the building then back to you with a soft smile. You were about to enter the building when you felt him grab your wrist again.

"Did you mean what you said back in Mementos?" He asked.

You tilted your head before nodding, "Of course I did."

He frowned. "Y/N," he called out.

"Yes?" You answered.

"Who am I to you?" He asked, his grey eyes once again piercing into you, conveying a hidden message you weren't sure you were able to decipher.

You thought of your words carefully. In truth, you liked him. A lot. You felt an irresistible pull towards him that you have never felt with anyone before. You were extremely attracted to him, not just by his looks, but by the way he cherished each and every bond he shared with his friends. He was always so reliable that you almost felt guilty every time you found yourself asking for his help. And the way he leads the team with no hesitation or doubts was oddly alluring to you. You couldn't get enough of him.

But you were afraid.

Afraid that he might not feel the same way you felt. Afraid that he might cut off all ties with you once you revealed your feelings to him. He didn't seem like the type to just cut you out of his life, but there was always the possibility that he might.

"I...uh," you bit your lip and twiddled with your fingers. What were you supposed to say?

"Am I just Joker to you?" Akira asked, frowning more at his own question. You shook your head.

"No," You responded.

"Am I just your leader then?"

You shook your head once more. "No."

He inched closer to you. His face just centimeters away from yours while your breath hitched. He glanced down to your lips while you glanced at his before looking back up to his stormy grey eyes.

"Then who am I?" He asked, staring at you with an intense gaze, waiting patiently for your answer.

You gulped and felt your cheeks flush. You turned your head to the side while he let out a chuckle. He grabbed your chin and tilted your head towards him.

"Because to me, you are more than just my teammate," he said.

You stayed quiet before finding the courage to finally speak. "You are more than my leader, Akira."

He smirked, inching closer to you. "Then who am I?" He asked once more.

Both of your eyes were half-lidded by the time you realized just how close he really was, not that you minded. You both were getting lost in each other's touch while your hands slowly glided up to his face, cupping his face gently.

"My everything," you whispered.

He smashed his lips against yours while you snaked your arms around his neck as he slid his hands down to your lower back, pulling you closer to him. You felt his tongue slid into your mouth causing you to let out a whisper of a moan. You pressed yourself as close to him as possible as you instantly let yourself submit to him.

You both pulled away from each other and rested against each other's forehead, panting. You let out a grin while Akira did the same. Akira kissed you again and pulled you into a hug.

"I love you, Y/N."

You smiled and buried your face deeper into his chest.

"I love you too."

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