Study Partners part 2

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Before we start the story I just wanna say, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING THIS STORY. And I'm really sorry for not updating this story sooner. I'm still taking suggestions for anything else you my want me to do. I will not do an omega verse or any smut, I'm really sorry, but this is a fluff only story. If you want me to do an omega verse that's fine, but there will be no smut, thank you!


"I'm sorry Ron." Blaise said, looking down. "Blaise, maybe it's best we take a break from each other for a little bit. You know, until we have to study together in a few days. Ok?" Ron replied, feeling slightly upset that his bestfriend had just snapped at him. "'re probably right." Blaise said sadly. Blaise walked off to go find his friends.
     A few days later, Blaise found Ron talking with Harry and his boyfriend, Draco. Ron turned around, "Hey Blaise. Tonight's the first night of our study session, you ready?" Ron said excitedly. "Yes, of course" Blaise replied with a smile.
_____time skip: brought to by the lazy wolf🐺_____
        They had decided to study in library rather at one of their houses because more books were available. "Ron are you listening? You've been staring into my eyes for awhile now." Blaise said, bringing Ron back to reality. Ron hadn't noticed but he was definitely more focused on Blaise rather than the school work. "Uh...Yeah sorry." Ron said. "Ok, if you were listening, what's the answer to number 4?" Blaise asked. "54?" Ron answered. "Good job!" Blaise replied, proud that Ron was finally focused. A few hours later, Ron fell asleep and Blaise took him back home. "Blaise?" Ron muttered. Blaise turned back around toward Ron. "What is it Ron?" Blaise said quietly. "Can we cuddle?" Ron asked. Blaise blushed, but got under the covers with Ron and cuddled with him. That night the both them fell into a dreamless sleep wrapped in each others arms.


How was that? I hope that was what you wanted or close to it. Thank you again for the support. I'm really sorry it's short by the way. SUPPORT THE GAY!!❤🧡

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