Chapter One

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January 1st 1997

Torie's Pov

Right now I am sitting in my room packing my stuff getting ready to tour the world with my father and my sister until lord knows how long. I don't really want to go but considering I made a promise to my dad last year that if I didn't have any type of plan on what i'm going to do with my life a year after high school then I'll tour with him to just see how much we like things. And my sister Stephanie is just tagging along because she is taking her gap year.

As I'm folding my clothes and stuffing them in my suitcase my sister Stephanie walks in.

"Hey Torie, are you almost done" She says

"No where near, This is just the bags for the clothes I'm going to wear, After this I still need to pack up my makeup bags, plus my hair supplies, I have a huge feeling I'm not gonna enjoy this trip" I replied

"Listen I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna like it either, having to be away from my home, my comfortable bed, being away from friends, not being able to party, but hey look on the bright side, I'm pretty sure that the superstars will be soo soo good looking. You might finally find someone who you can date." Stephanie says

"Stephanie finding someone who is interested in me will be so hard to do, it seems like they only really want me for one thing and when they don't get it they leave" I respond sighing

"Aww my baby sister" Stephanie says walking over to my bed sitting down next to me and she began rubbing my forehead. " You'll find a guy trust me, it'll all be worth the wait, plus you're way too young to even be stressed about love, You have a whole life to live just have fun. She finishes

"I mean I guess you're right but still it would be nice to not be alone sometimes" I say

"And I completely understand that but you have to look at the bright side, you don't have a man controlling what you do, you don't have to worry about a heart break, or being lied to or cheated on, you can just simply be you." She says

"Oh well when you put it like that you make relationships sound horrible." I chuckle "But seriously I guess I'll just have to wait"

"Well enough of this guy talk lets finish packing we leave out tomorrow and we need to wake up early." She states before patting me on my head and then standing up.

"Okay Steph thanks for the talk." I say as she gets up and starts walking towards the door.

"Anytime baby sis, don't forget be up by 6:30 and dressed at 7:30, we don't wanna make dad mad". She says as she's walking out

"Yeah Yeah Yeah" I mumble under my breath.

Tomorrow I take on a new life. But am I ready for it...HELL NO

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