Chapter Three

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Jan 2, 1997

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Jan 2, 1997

Shawn's POV

"Cmon hunter we know how pissed Vince is at us for not getting flight tickets, Just imagine how pissed he would be if we were late to his jet, Plus he's still mad from the whole curtain call incident" I say rushing him.

"Don't be such a pussy, Are you scared of Vince?" Hunter asked in a teasing way.

"No not at all but I do have the title and I don't wanna get on his bad side and have him take it away from me" I reply and I nudge hunter a little.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I find it crazy how I was the only one who got in trouble that isn't fair not one bit." Hunter says while whining

"Because you were an easy target now stop complaining and come on and get your stuff I think the ride is downstairs" I say as I gather my things.

5 minutes later we get to the elevator finally get to the elevator and finally getting downstairs but it was as soon as we reach the doors when me and hunter both realized we were forgetting something.

"Oh shit we forgot about Test." We both said as we looked at each other and quickly started to panic.

"You run upstairs and get him while I attempt to hold the driver for longer." Hunter said before grabbing the bags and leaving the building.

I quickly head towards the elevator before rapidly pushing the buttons praying that I don't get in any serious trouble with Vince.

As soon as the elevator door opens I felt like God has answered my prayers because there was test just standing there with a grin on his face.

"What you dudes were going to leave me or something." Test says while stepping out the elevator.

"Almost, Your ass shouldn't have been up partying all night, if you cannot handle your drinks then you shouldn't have them, Now come on we have to hurry up" I say before speed-walking towards the car.

After about maybe 20 minutes or so we finally make  it to the airport before we were escorted to a secluded area and as soon as we got to the opening of the plane we were met with a fuming Vince.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU GUYS EVEN DOING, FIRST YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE ANY PLANE TICKETS, THEN YOU GUYS ARE ALMOST 30 MINUTES LATE THAN THE TIME I TOLD YOU TO BE THERE!" Vince shouted, Wow it's safe to say he's really pissed, And on top of that he is starting to have a noticeable vein in the middle of his forehead and it was so huge.

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