Chapter Four

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Still Shawn's Pov

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Still Shawn's Pov

We spent almost 30 minutes just talking about almost everything, We even cracked a joke or two..Well mainly me because I was just trying to make her laugh. Right now I am telling her about how I won the title.

"Wait so you literally shouted at him in the middle of the ring?!" She asked laughing at my childish antics.

"Yeah and he looked so pissed and he hates my guts." I say referring to Bret

"When I got to the back everyone was just warning me and saying hey what did you do to Bret and telling me to watch my back." I say again

"Well did he ever approach you?" She asked curiously

"No and I'm glad he didn't but I have to face him again at this upcoming Wrestlemania and I don't want to work with him he might actually hurt me." I say

"Well maybe you should go and talk to him before you guys have your match and let him know that you meant no harm by it." She says making perfect sense

"I really don't want to do that because Bret is a very strong guy and he might kick my ass and none of my friends are really here to help me." I told her

"What do you mean your friends aren't there to help?" She pauses before saying "What about the two guys you got on the plane with?" She finishes

"Only one is my friend which is the one with the weird nose, his name is Hunter, and he doesn't really like drama and I like to keep him out of things." I say  "So just in case things escalate and it becomes bigger drama He will be okay and won't have any heat with anyone."

"Well that makes a lot of sense but who are your friends and why won't they be able to help you and how much of a difference would it make if you were to talk to Bret?" She asks curiously

"Well my other friends are Scott, Kevin, And Sean but they aren't here anymore." I answer her question

"Oh my gosh did they die or something!" She asks worried

"No no no they just went to WCW and left me here by myself besides Hunter."

"What's WCW I feel like I heard it before?"

"It's WWF's rival company it's one of the only wrestling company who is a threat to your dad." I explain

"Well why'd they leave?"

"Money and almost complete control." I simply said

"But I thought it was about the wrestling." She said

"I guess they don't really care about it that much." I said shrugging it off. "And to be honest and keeping it between me and you they really can't wrestle." I say laughing and soon she starts laughing with me

"Hey where is your dad, I haven't seen him awhile and this plane isn't even that big and he'll kill me if he seen me talking to you." I say while looking around

"He has his own type of room on here so he's not paying us any attention and why would he kill you we aren't doing anything but talking."

"No he told me or test and hunter to not talk to you or your sister for some odd reason so if he sees me he'll kick my ass." I say

And out of nowhere she just burst out laughing and she's really loud

"Wait what did I miss?"

"You are really scared of my dad?!!" She says while still laughing

"Well yes why won't I be he's my boss"

"Because he is a harmless old man and he just screams a lot that's it" She says after calming down from laughing so much

"Yeah well you can say that now but you aren't the one who will be having to do jobs and putting over nobodies for months until he decides he wants to do something with me."

"Ohhh" She nods "Well I'm getting tired so I'm going to sleep I had a nice talk with you and it was a pleasure getting to know you." She says before sticking out her hand for a handshake

"Cmon I feel like we've known each other our whole life and a handshake would be basic, We could hug." I say while grinning

She laughs and shakes her head before stretching out her other arm and hugging me and geez she smells good

"Well thank you." She says blushing


"You just said that I smelled good." She answered

"Oh didn't realize I said that out loud."

"Well yeah you did now hush I'm trying to sleep" She says before putting her hand over my mouth before pulling her eye cover thingy over her eyes

I then decide to follow suit and try to get some rest too and not too long after I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2020 ⏰

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