Chapter Two

702 11 3

Jan 2, 1997

Torie's Pov

Beep..Beep Beep..

"Ughhh" I groaned as I was woken up from the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I get up out of my bed and stretched

"Do I really wanna do this" I mumble to my self, I could easily get out of this situation and just tell my mom that I don't want to go.. But the only problem with that is I don't want to crush my father's heart by telling him that I don't want to go.

With another groan, I slowly walk to the bathroom almost zombie like and get ready to freshen up. When I am finally done I grab my suitcases and take them downstairs so I don't forget anything when it's time to leave.

I then look at the time and realize that I have a lot of time left so I think of things I could possibly do to just past time. So I then decide to make me some breakfast.

As I am cooking my sister Stephanie comes downstairs with her suitcases as well before she looks over sees me and starts to walk towards me.

"So I see you've finally listened and woke up early" She said

"Yes you know I don't feel like hear our dad rant about how I didn't do what I was supposed to do and how I should be more active and not so lazy." I say as I rolled my eyes and turned off the stove then putting my food on the plate.

Stephanie then giggles before saying "You know he means well and he just wants the best for you." She then walks over to my plate before stealing a piece of bacon.

"Hey that was rude you didn't even ask me." I say "And of course I know he means well but sometimes you have to admit it dad can be a tad bit overbearing."

"Yes and we all know that, just imagine him when he's at work, he probably gets on their nerves by yelling at them so much." She says while laughing

"Of course, that's what make me kinda hesitant to go, he's already outrageous when he's home, he's probably gonna yell so much." I say as we make our way into the living room.

"Well just think about it at least he won't be yelling at us it'll just be at the wrestlers mostly" She says before saying "But overall it cannot be that bad once again the men are just to die for come over to the computer and let me show you." She said again as she pulled me to the desk that held the computer.

We sat at the computer and began to look up different wrestlers and as we were scrolling looking through different wrestlers and none seemed interesting enough for me to make a big deal about but as we were scrolling one certainly caught my eye.

We sat at the computer and began to look up different wrestlers and as we were scrolling looking through different wrestlers and none seemed interesting enough for me to make a big deal about but as we were scrolling one certainly caught my eye

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"Woah" I said as my eyes started to widen "He is so handsome." I said again completely blown away by his beauty.

"I think his name is Shawn or something like that, I think he's champion currently." Stephanie replies to me.

But I was still in awe with how he looked so I wasn't fully able to respond to what she said so I just simply replied with a "Mhm" and a head nod with my eyes still glued to the computer screen, this did not go unnoticed by Stephanie as she looked at me with a huge grin and wide eyes.

"No way." She says while gasping loudly, "You might have a little crush." She continued while being overly excited.

"Uh no I just think he's cute that's it and that's all" I say rolling my eyes.

"Sure." She said, Her voice laced with sarcasm. "You totally was staring a little too hard at the screen of you have a crush then it's fine, let's hope you run into him while we are there so then you two can run along and get marri—." She was cut off by my dad who was now coming down the steps with my mom.

"Who is getting married because it better not be you anytime soon." My dad says very sternly.

"Oh it was just me stating that Torie had a little crush on shaw-." Stephanie tries to say but I cover her mouth with my hand.

"Nothing Dad Stephanie was just being over dramatic you know how she is." I say with a smug grin.

"Yeah it better be nothing, but I hope you girls are ready to go we have to leave early since a few of my wrestlers didn't book their flight they are gonna fly with us." My dad said

"Okay father." Me and my sister said at the same time.

"Well let's get going the ride is outside'" My dad said as he started to gather his suitcase.

"Bye mom" Me and Stephanie said as I walked towards my mom and gave her a kiss on the head and hugging her before walking towards the door.

"Make sure my babies stay safe Vincent, You know girls it isn't too late for you guys to change your minds" My mother says.

"No we're gonna be fine mommy." I said even though I wanted to take her up on that offer.

"Honey the girls will be one hundred percent fine , I won't let them go to far away from me and I'll bring them home in one piece, And I'll make sure that they can get in touch with you every chance they get, now cmon girls we are running out of time let's go" my father says before leaving with us right behind him.

As we get in the car and shut the doors, we looked out the window and waved a my mom one more time.

I sigh before thinking to myself am I really ready to travel for a year? Will it become too much for me? Then I seem to relax a little and smile as I start to think about the guy who I saw in the picture earlier and hopefully I see him.

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