Delilah's Story Part Eight (Ch 14-15)

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September 12th

I'm still at a loss for words to describe what went on last night. The feelings and emotions felt by all were the most intense I have ever felt. Not unlike those elicited by Edwyn, but just...more...

Mercia called it a test. She also said that we... 'the newlings' as we are called... were simply there to observe. It was not our test, but Kiersty's test. And yet from what I can remember Kiersty had enjoyed herself! One does not enjoy a test! At the very least I have never enjoyed a test! They're nerve wracking! So what kind of test did we all witness?

I hate it here! So many more secrets. Open one door, find a million more waiting to be explored, and yet the keys are missing, the locks held tight. God Patience! She's probably forgotten me by now. Found another to call her best friend, and here I am...A captive in this new prison... my own sister one of the guards.

I just want to go home. Find my own place and hide away! But they'll never let me!  I have not learned all there is to prepare myself for the future!' Lyvina keeps telling me this over and over again. She can prepare me by telling me what is going on? What Am I? What is this thing I can do with my mind? How far can it go?

Instead she keeps us all here...slowly dragging out the time until she thinks we're ready. Or as she would say 'Letting our own instincts guide us....When our change is near we will know...'

Delilah put down her pen and slid her journal beneath her pillow. Someone was out in the hallway. Not a sounds could be heard, but she felt their presence and could only assume it was Mercia back to haggle her some more about her lessons. Getting up from her spot between her pillows, she slowly made her way to the door, despite the pain her head still felt.

The headache was a bad one, and forgetting to drink the tea before bed had only made the episode worse. Moving closer to the doors handle, Delilah reached out with her hand, and paused. She could feel the flutter of the heartbeat just through the wood panelling that seperated them. Turning the knob ever so lightly, she pulled back and swung the door open, expecting to surprise her sister. But there was no one there. Well no one standing there that is. The presence was all around her, touching her skin, wafting past her ears.

Stumbling backwards, Delilah grabbed hold of the backing of a chair, pulling it down to the floor as she tumbled back. Frightened so bad she could barely speak, she bolted around the room, trying to escape the feeling that surrounded her. What was this? Who was this? What did they hope to accomplish?

The door lay open and out in the hall seemed safer, and she ran towards it, barely making it out before the door slammed closed behind her. Still there was nobody there but her. Alone in the hallway, her room closed before her, Delilah leaned against the wall as the presence seeped through the door, surrounding her again. It touched her once more, sending jolts of electricity through her body, the cool breeze casuing goose pimples to rise everywhere.

This was not happening! She thought to herself.

"Oh it is child!" A voice replied, but not one she had heard before. "And it will again!" It added, before vanishing from both touch and mind.

Delilah felt trapped against the wall, her breath stolen from her, her arm still tingling from where 'it' had touched her. What the hell had just happened? Who had invaded her mind and taunted her?

Afraid to go back into her room, Delilah moved slowly along the wall to the stairwell, careful not to bump into the lavish paintings that hung in place, or the ornately carved chairs and side tables that littered the way. It was early afternoon, the sun pearing in through the hallway windows, but to Delilah, the day semmed grim. Shadows were cast in every corner, and fear ate at her as she passed them by.

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