Delilah's Story Part Twenty One (Ch 30)

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Delilah's eyes opened, though she was not sure if she was alive, or dead. The air around her was warm, and smelled of fresh baked goods, but it hurt to keep them open long, the tiniest amount of light sending knives into her head. Nothing made sense. Nothing at all. She had been trapped in that barrier, unsure if she had created it or not, and then it have given way, allowing those males to...

Where was she? Had they taken her?

It was then she noticed the presence and tried to force herself up to look around. She was not restrained, though that did not mean she hadn't been taken, they were perhaps just holding her in a large room. The doors and windows locked and barred. The light hurt her eyes less, the pounding feeling starting to subside, but she couldn't make out much as she peered into the shadows beyond.

"I figured you show up here!"

Delilah was alarmed, but then she had heard that voice before, and she settled a little. Her throat dry and her mind still groggy, she tried to picture just where she had heard that voice. Her mind was warped, her thoughts jumbled, there was no telling what was real and what had been implanted by her sister, or worse, those males.

"It'll be over soon enough!" The voice chuckled, and the shuffling of footsteps told her he was coming closer.

She tried to shy away, her arms moved but an inch, her body too heavy and weak to move at all. And the moan she let out was pathetic, as was her attempt at speaking once more.

"Wha..." She tried to get out, but it was not going to be that easy.

"Slow down Delilah!... You're right it's not that easy!... Not the first time anyhow!"

His voice sounded different, less agitated maybe? Deeper for sure, but in a tone that spoke to Delilah's body, calming it even more. Who was this...male... Yes it was most definitly a male! Edwyn perhaps? No he would be... Her head twirled and crashed down again and again, the pounding making an ugly comeback.

"Take your time!...Everything will return to normal soon!"

Sure it would! Just as soon as the headache and the pins and needles disappeared! She thought to herself, but knew that it would not come anytime soon. She couldn't recall how she knew this, how she had come to have this knowledge, but it was there in the back of her mind, and she yearned for it to be so. The pain was nothing compared to the confusion, like her mind had been ripped to shreds, and she had been left to gather the pieces. Soon enough it had overwhelmed her and her eyes began to close.

"That's right Delilah!...Sleep it off mine female!" the voice came again, but Delilah had heard no words.

No. Those had been the thoughts of another. The one who's presence she felt even now as she drifted off. But she could not, for the life of her, discern left from right, up from down, let alone what the males name was. But she felt safe, and for now, that was enough. Nestled in what felt like blankets, no longer did she consider herself a prisoner, taken by her enemy. Those vishous offspring of skyfolk and land dweller, those who had been born 'wrong'.

When Delilah awoke, she felt the fuzz in her head, the buzzing in her ears a high pitch at first, numbing her senses, her eyes blinded by the light in the room. But it faded, in the moments it took, she had tried to assess herself, where she was, what had happened to her... and then she felt it.

"You're awake!"

The voice had sharpened, crystal clear, and yet her mind could not pinpoint it's source in the darkness.

"Where am I?" She asked, her voice hoarse, her mind beginning to pick up the pieces.

"Apparently the one place you felt safe..." The voice chuckled.

"And where is that?" Delilah asked again, trying to pull herself up from where she was laying.

"Don't move so much... you're still mending!" He told her. It was definitly a male.

"Please speak the truth in telling me where I am and where mine sister is..." Delilah let out.

She was in no mood to play games with whomever it was that enhabited this...whatever she was in, and yet there was a feeling of safety that at this point in time was throwing her off. She had no idea where she was, nor who she was with, the images cluttering her thoughts, terrifying at the very least, and yet she felt calm, safe. This was not normal. This was...

"You are in the wine cellar Delilah... Where we..." He started, and she could hear him rising from where he sat to come closer.

The light hit him, shining against his now purple eyes, his voice pentrating deep as a flood of warmth washed over her and she felt a wetness between her thighs.

"Behnjamin?" She called out, and he came even closer. "But your eyes.."

"Yes!...The mind does strange things when you use it..." He chuckled.

It was him. But how? Were they really in the wine cellar? How did she get here? She couldn't remember anything past her lessons with Lyvina. There was something completely wrong with this scenario, a spine tingling, deja vu-ish feel. She had in fact been in here before, with him, but that was before. How the hell did she...

"I told you...relax!... Just let it return." Behnjamin told her.

"Let what return?" Delilah asked, her voice weary.

"Your mind!" Behnjamin chuckled. "And here..." He added, handing her a bowl, or more like setting it within reach for when she could move, "You'll need your strength!"

"How did I get here?"

"Your sister said you were persistant... Warned me of a certain attitude as well." Behnjamin replied.

"How?" Delilah demanded, trying to sit up. Nope, not such a good idea.

"You shifted." The male replied.

"What?...When?" Delilah inquired, her eyes wide open, her heart quickening at the news.

She couldn't remember any of it. Not since Lyvina had told her she'd have to learn how before... Delilah groaned as a wave of nausea passed over her, and Behnjamin came forward with a larger bowl and sat it down beside her.

"I told you not so fast!...If you rush it the side effects are worse... Most just sleep it off until they learn how to control it." He told her.

One by one, the images were returning, but ever so slowly. A fight with Lyvina, no, more of an arguement. A scream from outside. A pile of...

"There are a few who have had it worse than you...but you are strong!...Pure blooded!...So the effects should not last long!... Your body will heal." He smiled and made way towards the table to cut her off a helping of shaved pork, fresh out of the smoke house.

"I can't eat!" Delilah replied, her stomach still churning. "I think I need to lay down a while longer." The images still whipping through her mind.

"Very well!" Behnjamin replied, as he turned towards the fire. He was hurting. She could feel it, and yet it was not his physical injuries that plagued him. He was upset, for her.

"Please..." She started, but the waves only grew when she spoke. "Please don't go..."

"I won't be going anywhere..." The male replied, but she was already half asleep. "I wouldn't leave you mine female." But his words where hushed, his lips not moving at all.

It would be a while before she woke again, unfortunately for her, the dreams that would follow would not be as peaceful as he would have hoped for her. He was angry at himself, angry at Lyvina, for making him submit to her charade, but it had to be done. Delilah wasn't learning fast enough.

Dream Journal: The Chronicles. Vol. 1- Delilah's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now