Delilah Story Part Twent Three ( Ch 32)

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The following week had been horrible. She had no idea if what was to happen next, would be real or some elaborate creation, thought up by one of her many mentors. Late night lessons and lack of eating... Delilah just wasn't hungry. She blamed it on her busy schedule, but deep down inside it had been the latest of run ins with Behnjamin. He had played part in her sister's game, and ever since there had been a distance between the two of them, brought on by neither party, just there lingering above their heads like a rain cloud.

He continued on in his duties, watching over the manor grounds, and more importantly her. She felt safer knowing he was around, but she had a slight feeling that he was hiding something beneath his rock solid demeanor. It was awkward to say the least. She had even gone as far as brushing him off the last time they met. She hadn't meant to, but she was already late for a council meeting and he was heading out on a ride. How Delilah wished she could have gone with him, galloping outside the manor walls... Instead she had ignored him, brushed past the touching smile he had offered, and she felt guilty for it. That was what ate at her, as he was out there still, due back this evening... and she wondered if things would be different after the sort time apart.

She herself had been moody, unapproachable, even Mercia had avoided her, though the grin on her face told Delilah something was up. Her body went from ice cold to firey hot in a matter of minutes, and the ache in her belly seemed incurable. What the hell was wrong with her? Yes it was a human term, but lately it had been a thing she had picked up, trying to pester Allya. The female was all sorts of strange lately, mostly keeping to her room with Edwyn.

Emery would come and go from their room with platters of food and drink. Enough to feed a herd of horses and yet it was only the two of them. The day before last she had thought she heard screaming, and then crying, but by the time she had entered their hallway, sounds of laughter and... Images flooding the passageway, clouding Delilah's thoughts with lust and naughty pleasures. Lyvina had just laughed when Delilah brought it up at one of her lessons, "You will find out soon enough!" The female had told her.

That had been then. Now, she felt as if she had been trampled by horses, lying in her bed, clutching the pillow she had brought with her from the wine cellar. The one that smelled of him. He was still away, she reminded herself, but he would return soon and she could apologize for being so... different.

October 9th

I am not sure what has come over me, but I feel as if I cannot walk... cannot even talk at times! Mine head spins and mine belly aches, but it's not food it yearns for.

I can't stop thinking about what has happened. About him. It's been days since I seen him last, I feel so strange. He didn't have to go out there for so long! It was his own choice, and only because I had made him angry. I had ignored him.

Delilah had to stop and put her pen down, a sudden dizziness washing over her. Would she need the large bowl she had hidden beside her?

Am I sick? Is this some kind of illness? Why does Mercia avoid me? She must know that despite my anger I...

But it was no use. The waves of dizziness kept coming. Her head still pounding, the contents of her stomach threatening to spill where she rested, Delilah forced herself off her bed and to the lounger in front of the fire.

Alone in her room, cursing everything she could think of, it was only a matter of time before she fell victim to the whispers and images that crept into her mind. What was happening to her? Something within her was desperate to get out. That was the only way to describe the way she felt. It did not crawl from her belly, though she felt the sharp claws. It did not roar from her throat, though the pressure alone was enough to choke her. Her thoughts were shattered. Scattered throughout the room. Was this some remnant of her shift? Was there someone out there toying with her mind? Would she fall victim to another long slumber when this was over?

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