Delilah's Story Part Seven ( Ch 13)

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Mercia had arrived, calling Delilah out of her room with her mind as she waited outside the door. Delilah had dressed in a tight black, satin gown, her hair hung loose, the tendrils curling down towards her chest. She had been a vision, the opposite to her own creme colored ensemble, Mercia had told her, but she hadn't thought much of it. It was just a gown.

She had made her way into the auditorium, her eyes fixated on the pillow covered platform in the centre below. There was to be a show! She had thought to herself, and caught the faint sound of the other females giggling behind her. They had heard her, even though she had said not a word, and they had found her childlike enthusiasm towards what she had clearly mistaken as a theatrical play, entertaining to say the least.

Delilah found a seat down towards the bottom row as was required of the 'newlings', Mercia had informed her, so she could have the best view for what was to come. Excited and a little nervous, Delilah had made herself comfortable as the lights dimmed and Lyvina appeared before them.

Delilah remembered squirming in her seat as the female began her speech. She had welcomed everyone in the propper greeting and went over the rules of the auditorium. No one was permitted up out of their seat until the ceremony was completed. Noone was permitted to speak of what was to come, to anyone not in attendance. And finally, there was to be no badgering, no making fun and games, and no interefering in any way with the ceremony below. It was not only unfair to those partaking in the ceremony, but also extremely rude.

When the females had acknowledged the rules, Lyvina smiled and closed her eyes. The lights dimmed further and a chanting began. At first from Lyvina herself, but then it began to grow as the older females joined in. The melody changed as more and more chimed in, adding their own variances to the rhythm. Delilah had thought about joining in, but the sounds were enchanting, captivating that she found herself lost in the moment. It wasn't until a door opened to her left and the light penetrating the archway gave way to a cloaked figure, that her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

The figure walked along the pathway towards the center of the room, the long red cloak encircling the body. It was big. Tall and just...big! Delilah thought, hoping no others had her that thought, but then looking around, they all seemed just as entranced by the figure as she was. The way it moved around the pillow covered platform, adjusting the sheets that lay scattered across the top. Such ease, and those curves, yet not delicate like a... like a female would...

With her gaze on the cloaked figure below, Delilah didn't see them enter through the doorway at first, and make their way down to the platform. She focused on the first, until all three stood there side by side, and the chanting stopped. Then the light disappeared altogether as the doorway closed, the auditorium lights dimmed to their lowest, covering everything in shadows, leaving just one light in the whole room. Down at the head of the platform, a single light had been left on, and the figures, they were removing...

Delilah gasped as the cloaks fell, and one by one, glistening oil covered bodies began swaying as the chanting returned. Glistening...Were they?... Oh my they were! Males! There were males in the auditorium with them. And they were naked. Completely naked.

Delilah sat forward in her seat as she was sure many others were doing, and gazed on as they danced around below them. Their bodies swaying to the rhythms, their hips thrusting to the beat as they pounded their fists against their chests. "Primal beasts!" Delilah heard, and yet she couldn't tell which of them had spoken, or if she had overheard the thoughts of another. "Such a carnal nature..."

The door to her left opened again. This time a single female dressed in a sheer gown emerged, the gown so long it tripped at her feet. Or maybe it was her nerves, as tonight was her 'changing' ceremony? She had 'changed' already, Mercia had told her, but tonight Lyvina and the others would bare witness to her change and the power she had gained, and see forth her right of passage. 

Dream Journal: The Chronicles. Vol. 1- Delilah's StoryWhere stories live. Discover now