Chapter one

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Carly was not your typical girl no she did ghost huntings and she knew the places to go for that and she was a old looking building

She walked in and saw people and she sat in the dark and she climbed the wall to get out and she knocked over a can and she froze but then got out and ran out of the building

Back at her foster home

No one paid attention to her much because she was a odd ball and she was always alone and she liked like that and she knew how to feed herself and she loves classic rock and she owned shirts from her favorite bands

Carly loved getting albums for her record player and no one went near her because she was weird but she a bright and intelligent kid for her age and she never let anyone get to her

she didn't care about people much because she never got attached to anyone because she would end up leaving to a different place and she's only a five year old kid

Carly was at the park across her foster home reading a ghost book and Lilly walked up to her "hey freak" she said nothing" "we're talking to you" "and I'm ignoring you" "whacha reading" "none of your business"

she got up and left "tch coward" "nope I'm not letting you get to me" she left and she saw a car she didn't recognize and she walked in "oh hello well let's get your things"

She did so and she was in the woman's car taking her to a foster home in LA California and Carly was excited to be in a warm place but probably not for long and she didn't know who was fostering her

In LA California

Sebastian was excited to meet the new girl and he heard the door bell and seb's dog was excited "down Oliver" "hello I'm Maria and this Carly and she's quite the odd one" seb didn't tell Ethan about taking in a kid because seb didn't want her going through hell with him and Oliver knew what to do to help seb

"don't worry about it I am also a odd ball in the rest of my family is too and and I'm gay and I hope that's not a problem for you"

"oh no in fact my sister is too and as long as carly is safe and Cared for I believe that's all that matters" and Maria left "so I see you met my dog " "he's soft" "yep oh he loves to cuddle"

Seb was now happy a month after dating seb's soon to be ex and seb mentioned fostering a kid and seb's mom was visiting to meet Carly

Seb's mom arrived and she saw carly and she hid behind her foster dad and she met seb's mom "I'm your new foster dad's mom" seb's dog was sniffing the new member of his family

Carly was with seb for about three months and she still has the Stan family by her side and she wonders why she didn't leave yet or get sent to a different home but she sat at her desk drawing

Seb saw her and seb never let his soon to be ex near her and the guy didn't know that seb had fostered a kid

"hey seb why can I not come to your place" "uhm I just like being at your place and besides mines a mess because of my writing" "ya know you gotta quit" "it's only a hobby" "good"

seb really didn't want be near Ethan like at all because the guy was just irresponsible and he didn't like seb's friends nor his family

Ethan then met Carly and he thought she was his sister and seb told him that she was his foster kid and carly was becoming protective and seb knew that she was brave

Seb told ethan to go but ethan said he'd be back and left "he's a jerk" "I know but I don't know if I can" "I'll do it" "okay because you want me to be happy"

Seb was now alone with Carly and she wanted him to go out "I'm alright carly" "dad you need to get out there" seb knew that but he needed to forget Ethan and his words

It's been a year and Carly was now adopted by seb and his family was happy to have Carly part of the family and seb then met Chris at a cafe

"whacha writing there" "oh a mystery book I started but never got around to finishing it because of my soon to be ex"

"I'm sorry to hear seb so what's it about" "about a guy who does dangerous detective work and he meets a girl who he looking for but his love for her is stronger than ever"

"wow that's deep seb" "yep and I almost forgot about this book" seb didn't know that he'd bump into Chris again

Carly and seb were walking their dog and Chris's dog saw their dog and carly moved out of the way and Chris and seb were too close and couldn't move because of the tangled leashes and they ended up falling

"uff" "sorry" "oh it's fine doger does this all the time but he's never made me get tangled with a good looking guy" "yeah same"

seb's dog went to watch Carly and he kept any people away from her and carly ran up to her dad and Chris saw her and she hid her face in seb's shoulder "she's shy" "I can tell" seb was falling in love with Chris and so was Chris

"Carly you sure you're okay with Chris coming over to spend the evening with us" "I don't know dad" "it'll be okay" Chris arrived and he greeted carly she went up to leave the two alone Carly was watching Chris like a hawk

"she only talks to people she trusts and don't worry she'll get used to you Chris" seb went to go get food for the three of them and Chris didn't see carly and he got worried Carly shot a rubberband at him and he felt it hit his beard

"what the- Carly you do realize that these don't hurt me and I lived with brothers and a sister who shot rubberbands at me right"

"I'm only protecting my dad" "I know and I'm a cop and I will never let anyone or anything hurt you guys I promise"

seb came home to see Chris and Carly shooting rubberbands "you guys are childish" "can't deny that seb" seb chuckled to himself and his future boyfriend and carly picked up the colorful bands and put them in a bag

"that was fun" "yep and you got me on the forehead" "yeah we were dying of laughter after I yelled bullseye" seb laughted at Chris and carly and he was happy to have good people in his life

Carly went to sleep and Chris and seb were sitting together and seb was asleep and Chris was still awake and seb moved closer to Chris and Chris smiled at Sebastian

"I'm here" Chris's phone rang and he picked up "hello" "okay Scarlett I'll be right there and call Anthony and Liz" "Chris"

"Sorry sebby I got to go oh here's my number if anything happens okay you can call me no matter what time it is if it's three am I'll be there sebby"

Chris kisses seb passionately and roughly with tongue and seb moaned lightly from the kiss "Chris that was wow" "I know I'm a good kisser" seb began to feel something he's never felt with Ethan

Seb smiled and Chris was gone and seb was now falling in love with him and they did technically have their first date and seb had to break it off with Ethan

Carly meets Sebastian Stan Where stories live. Discover now