Chapter three

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Chris was extremely tired and busy because Ethan got out and he's off the grid and he had Seb, Carly and their dog Oliver stay with him

Chris was worried about Sebastian and he didn't know what to do and seb saw him awake and seb kissed Chris's cheek

"here's another coffee" "why are you still up" "I couldn't sleep knowing you'd be up protecting me and our daughter" "wha" "she sees you as her second dad Chris"

Chris pulled seb into himself and kissed seb roughly seb moaned in the kiss and Chris was happy to have his lover with him and seb kept holding Chris like he was going to lose Chris

"I love you Chris" seb moaned "I love you more sebby~" Chris mumbled against seb's neck and seb moaned his lover's name "C-Chris~"


Chris and seb were sitting together and Carly was next to her stepfather and she was asleep next to him and Chris smiled at her "seb" "I'll put her to sleep" "I can do it sebby and you look tired hun"

Chris carried Carly to her room seb was asleep on the couch and Chris smiled to himself and he lifted seb into his arms and he carried seb to his bed so he can sleep better

"mphf huh Chris" "it's okay you're in bed and more comfortable than the couch hun" "thanks" Chris kissed seb and he too fell alseep in Chris's arms and he never knew that Chris was the right guy for him

Seb bolted up right and he was still in a familiar place and Chris was sound asleep and seb didn't want to wake him up and seb went to get some coffee

An hour later Chris saw that seb was not asleep and he heard seb downstairs and he went to check on him "you okay seb" "uhm yea just had a bad dream but it's nothing sorry I woke you"

"seb I'm a heavy sleeper" Chris sat next to seb and he was happy to be with Chris

Seb was alone with the two dogs and suddenly the dogs were growling and barking "Hey doger oliver cmon it's too early guys" he had to figure out why the dogs were barking and growling at

he saw a guy looking around and seb moved back and he got the dogs to another room so he didn't hear them and seb had a metal bat ready to hit the dude and Chris was at work

Carly was at school and he was alone with two dogs "sebby" Ethan "come on out I only want to talk" 'more like kill me' seb thought

Seb was hidden and he had already called Chris and he was prepared to knock Ethan out and Chris called out to Sebastian and seb didn't move "seb hon it's Chris" the dogs were excited to see Chris and he was tackled

"okay guys seb hon I'm safe" "Chris" seb hugged Chris "it's okay" "he didn't hurt you did he" "no he didn't sebby"

"Chris I'm glad you're okay" Chris and seb were in bed and Chris was on Seb kissing him "I love you sebby" "I love you too Chris"

Chris was asleep and so was seb and he heard the dogs growling "guys c'mon I'm trying to slee-" "shit Chris get up it's Ethan" "huh wha sebby" BARK BARK GROWL "seb hon stay" "no chr-mphf" "I'll be okay"

Chris saw nothing and he was blacked out and seb was not found by Ethan and he left with Chris seb tried to call Chris "Shit no Chris don't be dead"

In a random place

"ngh huh where am I" "well Chrissy I thought I told you to stay away from sebby and you didn't listen and now you die" Chris was badly injured and he couldn't move or talk and he then passed out

"Chris wake up" "ngh" "so I'll go back to sebby and finish him off then I'll kill little Carly" "no don't hurt them" Chris was punched again and he was out cold

Seb has not slept for days and he called Chris's friends and his boss and they've looked everywhere and seb had Carly to help him

Seb was restless and Carly comforted her dad "It'll be okay dad we'll find pa" "it's-I miss him and what if something bad happened to him

Weeks later

Seb got a call one day and he was told that Chris was at the hospital and he was resting and seb drove to the hospital

At the hospital and in seb's room

"hey hon" "s-sebby" "shh you're going to be okay" seb kissed Chris and Chris moved his hand to seb's neck and kissed him rougher and slid his tongue in seb's mouth and seb moaned

he was in a moment with chris and he let Chris kiss him and touch him and seb loved the way Chris kissed and touched him

"Chris~" "sebby~" Carly saw her dad and Chris making out "can you two wait till we get home" "sorry Carly"

When they got home Chris slammed seb into the wall and seb liked it "I like it when you're rough Chris" "oh yea" Chris open mouthed kissed seb's neck

seb moaned and he pulled Chris closer to himself and Chris pinned his wrists and he leaned closer to seb and kisses his neck

"Chris" Chris and seb were happy to be back home "how do you feel" "honestly tired" "me too I haven't slept when you went missing" "sebby I was missing for like eight weeks and how were you even awake"

"coffee" seb you should have slept" "if I did I'd have nightmares about you dying and I didn't want that tormenting me at night" "well I'm here now and rest and I'm here if you have any nightmares hon" "thanks"

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