Chapter 3

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I was somewhere unknown. It's dark. Metal chains clung onto the wall, wrapping around my wrist. I could hear everything upstairs.

I discovered I'm in the basement. "Help! Help!" I screamed until my lung felt closed up.

A heard shoes click on the ground. Tennis shoes to be exact. I held my breath as the door lever push up. The light beamed into my eyes. I squinted, looking away. "Nice to see you up." I kicked my feet up and down. "Why am I here?"

My voice was hoarse from the lack of water. "Oh, baby I want you because you are mine." That's when it hit me. "T-trey?" I watch the black figure move to the opposite side. A bright light flew on.

"Like I said the last time, in the flesh." I felt my breath hitch. "You bitch! How could you?! You killed Dwayne." My arms were struggling to get out of the restrains. "I had too! I needed him out of my way!"

"For what!" I saw his eyes turn darker. "So I wouldn't have to fight that much!" I rolled my eyes. "You a bitch nigga. You couldn't even do it yourself! I hope you're having a great time with me!" He smirk. "I didn't want to get my hands dirty today."

With that, he left, cause me to scream. Fuck my screwed up life.


Splash! "Ahh!" I felt something cold drop on my head. I shakily looked up, seeing Trey with a blue bucket. "Time to get up." He threw it sideways. "Your an asswipe." He took a key out. "If I unlocked these, you promise not to run?"

I nodded. He took them apart. I got up, rubbing my wrist. "Let's go." I walked up to him, kneeing his groan. "Ahh! Shit!" I smiled. "After you, boo." He grumbled, walking out the door.

As I walked out, I looked around. The walls were a brutal color. I couldn't describe it. I wasn't ugly but not something you would put in a room. "Where are we going?" I walked towards to stairs with Trey.

"Kitchen. I hope you hungry." I looked down at my stomach. " I hope you get caught and go to jail. So then, you'll get fucked in the ass." He turned around and backhanded me. I fell to the floor.

"Y-you hit me?" I grabbed my throbbing cheek. "Yeah and I'll do it again if you don't shut the hell up!" His booming voice echoed through to house. I looked down at the ground. He really hurt me.

"Let's go."


"This is your room." Trey whispered into my ear. I nodded. I haven't talked to him since he hit me. "The fuck is wrong with you?!?!" I shook my head, "N-nothing." I walked in the room, closing the door.

"Open the damn door right now!" I jumped out of my thoughts. I inched it open. "Y-yes." I felt my body trembling. "Stop fucking jumping! I'm not scary! Get on the bed." I started to cry. "Please...please."

He huffed, grabbing my hair,dragging me downstairs. "Till you fucking learn to love me, you'll be staying in this fucking basement!" I was thrown into the basement. He looked at me one last time, before slamming the door.


Three days. I've been in the basement for three days. It's cold and dirty down here. Trey only came to get me clothing and food. I can't feel my body anymore.

Just when I crawled under the covers on the bed,Trey walked in. "I told your mom that you're staying with me. She was shocked to hear about me. She knows what we did." I looked away.

"I regret all of it." I felt my lips curl up. "Oh you don't mean that baby. You love me, right." I couldn't find the right thing to say. He was right. I grabbed my knees, pulling them to my chest. "Leave!"

Trey pulled his dreads out of his eyes, tying them up. He sat in the chair that I claimed as mine. "I see you're hurting but you can't get enough of this. I see the list in your eyes." I hid my face. "It's not lust. It's anger, love, betrayal, and sadness!"

I threw the tray at him. He dodged it. "Who the fuck you throwing shit at, huh?!?!" I cowered back.

"Please let me go!" I was in the verge of tears as I looked up to see Trey, smirking evilly. "I could, but then you'll tell the cops that I killed your boyfriend."

I looked at the monster in front of me. He smiled at my chained hand and grabbed my sex. "Remember when you use to like to have fun? Well let's have it" With that, He ripped my pants off.

"No! No! No!" I was scrambling to get under the covers. "Stop running, it'll be fast". Trey's hand traveled up my thigh, squeezing it causing me to gasp. He crawled on top of me, hovering over me. "T-trey... Um..." "Shhh..." He put his finger over my lips as I stared at him in fear.

His lips attacked my neck. "T-trey... Get o-off..." I tried pushing him off but, failed. He pinned my wrists to the bed. "Shut up!" He growled, starting to peel off my clothes. "No! Not like this! Trey! Stop!" I screamed.

He bit his lip. "Don't waste your voi-" "SCREW YOU! GET OFF!" I cried. His eyes burned into my gaze. That wasn't the Trey that I loved... It can't be... He's too perfect to be doing something like this...

I felt his fingers brushed over my, now, naked body. He caressed my skin softly before slapping the side of my butt. I shrieked. He chuckled. How was this funny?! It's not funny to me!

His hand traced down my stomach; all the way down to my lower region. Trey bent down, kissing my inner thigh. He pulled himself away and flicked his tongue over my clit. I gasped, tilting my head back, suddenly feeling my fear drown in my pleasure.

His tongue was slowly stroking the inside of me. I moaned softly. Hitting the right spot, I arched my back as my toes scrunched up. I gripped onto his dreads. "T-trey..." I closed my eyes. I felt his tongue slide out of me.

He pulled his pants down as well as his boxers. My eyes widened. He has grown over the years...? Hell no! I crossed my legs. "Open your legs." He demanded. I stared at him. Trey snaked his hands in between my knees and spread my legs open. Before I could close them again he pushed himself into me.

A burning sensation erupted in my stomach. I didn't know what to do... I was in shock. It hurt like hell... He started to grind his hips. After a few moments of him thrusting in and out of me, I felt a thrust harder which caused me to bleed a little. "I can't do this...." I teared up. He just went deeper. He began to suck on my neck. The pleasure returned once again. It was painful but, it has it's pleasure that comes with it. "Oh, Christi!" He released, pouring himself into me as I felt his come trickling down my leg.

"It wasn't that bad now, was it?" He pecked my lips. I shook my head. "Not really..." I lie slipped through my teeth.


Hey my beautiful followers.

I know. I know. You guys want to know why I did it. I know you guys wasn't expecting that the gang would of shot Dwayne. I need him gone for something so don't hate me for that. I have my reasons.

Also your probably HATE Trey. He raped Christi. He hit her too. Like I said I have my reasons. I know it was harsh but when I finish this book, you'll realise my reason. Bye!!!!

~¥ Sammyyluvs_u ¥~

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