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I don't know why am I even writing on this topic when I have everything in me, except logic! Maybe the title should be anti-logic but then, won't it sound like a chapter out of our computer books?

I am such an example of illogistics, that I have multiple romace-interests out of the novels, I still dream about a time-machine; not to travel future but to live in the era of kings and queens! I fantasize about the love written in the music and lyrics, I dream of a life as sublime as in poetries! And, I know we all have that corner in our soul which is equally intelligent when it comes to being illogical! Afterall, fanatical world is obviously better than the real world which is a mere rollercoaster, hardly, offering anything sweet. But, being illogical, living in dreams is nothing but clouds and cotton candies! Fantasy though false is a peril of flowers!

People constantly struggle in applying their brains, applying their logics to defy the problems of everyday. Running and rushing to maintain the status in the society, not even nurturing our hearts. But, we should satisfy our souls not the society! I am not saying to neglect the brain or even the heart, I am just saying to have it in balance! Have you ever wondered, how simple lives would be if we just bring our brains and mind in tune? How wonderful it will be! The brain will sing the song written by the heart, they'll dance together and move in the luscious rythm. The brain will be the music and the heart will be it's tune! Won't it be a spectacle??

But, whose responsible in tuning them? Who is responsible in setting their pitches with the tempo and the bass? Who is responsible or even brave, To make the illogical things from illustrating the situations of reality? Who is responsible to find out, the Logics settled between absurdity? Who?

Answer: None other than, YOU !!

Within you lies the magic,
To even make the sun, rise in west.
You are no less than an angel,
To brighten the disgraced heaven of no rest!
But, Darling, it's a tragic.
To think of you any low,
Because, you're meant to reign,
with ain't no tow!


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