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What do you think of compatibility?
Yin and Yang? Well, it's not only what lovers have. It implies on every relation we carry. It's simple, when we say 'I love my family', but we know that the love in between us and our close ones is because of the compatibility we share. The bondage which unites us! In  biology, two cells have a compatibility only when they are similar. But, then why we as a biological species believe in, opposite attracts?

Is it the similarities that makes us compatible or is it the dissimilarities?
Well, according to me, it's a mixture of both! In science, the negative and the positive attracts, but ultimately, aren't they both mere charges? Just like the moon and the sun! Yes, I know they are world's apart, actually, just three planets apart but, aren't they excellent examples of compatibility? In the morning, the sun rises to give us hope for the new day and at night, the moon brightens the whole dark sky! They are so different yet so similar! Just like we all are!

The world is deceptive for our naive selves, but our soul's knows the truth. It sometimes looks like magic, the way we click with someone! And that's why, The title- boyfriend/girlfriend seems to be adolescent but, SOULMATE'S got the depth!

But, let me make it very clear, love is not equivalent to compatibility in any forms. Yes! If we have a romantic relationship with compatibility in it, it's a blessing! We all have to play the life like chess, two colours- black and white; smart but with much thought. I know, These colours are with no doubt similar, where one colour radiates all back and the other absorbs it all! But, yet doesn't that makes the both of them a mastermind players? It just depicts that, though we consider ourselves to be living in a black&white world, it's more complex than that! There are numerous shades- some light, some dark but most of them are a mixture! So, we shouldn't keep on trying to sort our lives out, it's best when it's messed up. It's colourful, interesting attracting an unexpected compatibility! Because we all know that life gets it's charm only when we expect the unexpected!

The togetherness we feel,
Speaking from nothing to everything.
Mind moving in a similar reel,
The world, being our foreplay, exciting and astonishing!


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