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I was in a debate with myself for deciding the title of the chapter, on whether it should be Dark or dangerous, but, then I decided on 'dark' as it adds a bit of mystery! It seems as if I am authoring stuffs, but who doesn't likes mystery?

So, Why do we have a gradual inclination towards darkness?
Obviously, not when the electricity cuts off and those cinematic paranormal activities starts taking place, it's the darkness of the soul!
We know about how drugs, alcohol and intoxication is unhealthy to us but, we do it anyway. Do you know why? Because, anything which is unhealthy is toxicaly addictive!

Even love, happiness and light; all of it has darkness in it's lace. Too much of anything is not more than darkness, making your mind numb in visualizing your destination. When it comes to love, nothing is so pure but it makes us desperate and the further story you know, afterall, all the teenage romance deals with that. Then comes the happiness; it is very stubborn, no less than a drug. Each time you have a little bit of it, you crave for more, having a lust for it, opening the gates of darkness. When it comes to light, we all have studied it in physics, but not the way, I'll say. Too much of Light is a culprit, blinding our eyes, blurring it, making us see only what it wants us to. It's deceptive. It's not what it seems to be.

We as humans have a habbit of forming opinions. We easily decide about what's light and what's dark. It's easy to conclude, but still we haven't got a clear judgment as we constantly get tempted by the dark! You know why this happens? Because, our soul's is not as naive as compared to our mind's. It knows what it does! It gets attracted towards the dark for a reason. For it knows that Darkness is not mere where light is scarce. It is a place to accelerate your mentality, help you in self-development even when you are surrounded by vulnerability. Afterall, you need some darkness to shine!

Never be afraid to kiss the devil,
At first it may seem as if you are vulnerable,
But, the devil himself will realize the sweetness of your angelic lips.
Making him rise from the darkness of light.
Creating a beat in the wake of his ribs.
Your, innocence will trigger his heart,
Compelling the demons to depart!


Thanks for reading! You be the light of hope, my thrill in darkness. Vote and Comment about what dark things you like, leaving a black shirt or a black dress.

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