°~Chapter 5~°

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maybe like a day had past since i texted that guy. i wasn't sure of time anymore. i didn't even know if the person replied or not, my phone had died. Faith had started to just rock, so i was quite worried about her, that's never a good sign. our kidnapper still hadn't shown them self, and we still had no idea why us 6 were there, it wasn't random clearly considering we all knew each other. we were all just kind of vibing, waiting for our deaths.  

"i would like to start planning my funeral." Jakub said

"your being dramatic we wont die." Alex added.

"i mean you say that but we have no food no water no nothing, we cant even bloody escape you dingbat." i was getting annoyed at everyone. i love my amigos and all but being around them in stressful conditions for days just ain't it.  i wandered to the smaller room again and starred up the staircase. the darn hatch just wouldn't budge. i sat on the floor and sulked, this whole situation was shit. 

~time skip~

i didn't realise but id fallen asleep on the floor, i was however rudely awoken by a loud crash. my eyes shot open and i quickly looked around, "hello, guys?" i looked some more and i realised the sound came from the top of the stairs. someone was standing on them, they seemed under average in height, but apart from that the had no distinguishing features. there was an incredible amount of dust too, it was all getting in my eyes and in my throat. "GUYSSSS!" no one was answering me, i thought it was a really really dumb joke. 

the person on the stairs soon ran down them through to the other room. they were really fast, i was very confused, i don't even know. once the dust faded i looked up the stairs again, the hatch was open, clearly that guy had opened it, which was very very good.

i ran back to the others to tell them, but before i could i heard faith scream, "AH OH MY GOD DADDYYY!!" i was both scared and confused. so a ran to them. faith was on her knees, don't worry not like that, she was looking up at the guy, i'm not sure what she was doing, just looking at him i guess. and everyone else looked as confused as i was. except for Jakub who spoke up and said.

"took you long enough, we've waited days!" he crossed his arms and hit the guy. 

"uhm guys?" i asked, "who's this? whats happening?" i walked closer to them, "also the hatch is open, we can leave." the guy turned to look at me. faith groaned, 

"hey thank you mister for saving me i'm eternally grateful! ah!" faith tried to hug him but he just pushed him away. 

"i'm not here for you specifically you brat" he said in his deep emotionless voice. Faith pulled a face. "anyway, you should get out of here, its not safe." i didn't trust this guy, he looked sketchy. i'm not just saying that because of his looks and shit, its just, I've watched anime the black haired guy that looks a little mad usually is mad. he began to walk back to the stairs, but i grabbed his sleeve.

"aren't you going to tell us who you are first, how do we know we can trust you?" he glared at me.

"Jakub told someone to contact me, which means i'm a 'friend' of his, you can trust me" he pulled out a sharp blade, making me a bit uncomfortable. "besides you're all to weak on your own so you kind of need me, and need to trust me whether you like it or not. so shut you annoying ass up and do as i say, got that?" he was really rude to me i don't know why, i guess this was some kind of turn on of his.

"in other words" Jakub began, "this is my super duper best friend Levi, hes pretty cool not gunna lie, i'm pretty gay for him." Levi groaned.

"an introduction wasn't needed. come on lets go," i still didn't trust him, but i followed him anyway.

the whole time he was speaking Finn seemed off, he was just starring at him. i wasn't sure if it was because he fancied him or if he just was the same as me and didn't trust him. either way, i was going to ask. "finnarooski"

"ah, what?"

"i saw you starring at Levi back there, whats your deal?"

"i-its nothing it d-doesn't matter."

"you don't have a crush on him do you, you've known him for negative 2 seconds."

"just s-shut up you probably love him or something, its literally nothing."

"you su-"i was rudely interrupted by that Levi dude, i still didn't like him. 

"come on, enough chit chat. once we get up these steps well enter that bastards house, i don't know where he is all i know is he could pop up at any moment, so i need you to to pay attention. however if you do die, it is not my fault." he stepped off the last step up into the main house, and we followed. Finn still had that look on his face, this boy really had a crush on some untrustworthy cunt we've known or 5 minuets. but hey, who am i to judge.


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