Taking place seconds after Episode 2...
Ben: Shit! John get to the guns!
Luna: His ship has a forcefield.
Johnny: Crap!
Ben: Get to the seats, now!
Ben sits at the pilot seat, Johnny sits at the weapons seat, Falicia seats at the mapping seat and Luna stands in worry.
Ben: You sure running is the best option?
Luna nods.
Ben: Sit at the communications. Make yourself useful.
Luna sits down and straps herself in.
Luna: Um.. What does this blue flashing light mean?
Johnny: Look at the screen.
Luna: It says you're getting a call from The Battler.
Ben: Is that his ship?
Luna: Yeah.
Ben: Answer.
[Luna slides her fingers across the screen.]
"Captain Ben Watts" a crackly voice says through the comms.
"And who the hell is this?" Ben responds.
"I am Maddock. I believe you have my property aboard your weezly ship." Maddock says.
"Weezly? Listen pal, I ain't got nothing of yours so how about you turn around and we go our separate ways, huh?" Ben replies.
"Fine. We'll play this your way." Maddock responds.
The crew look at each other in worry. Maddocks ship shoots a massive laser bullet.
Johnny: Shit its coming right for us!
Ben: Hold on!
Ben BLASTS The Cruiser into hyperspace, managing to escape The Battler. The crew has landed in the middle of an asteroid field.
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Ben flies The Cruiser through the asteroid field, avoiding all the asteroids. He finally gets through the asteriod field and begins to orbit in space.
Falicia: Don't ever do that again!
Ben: God! THAT'S your master?!
Luna: Yeah...
Johnny: Definitely a warlord.
Ben: Jesus... Fuck that guy.
Falicia: He's gonna find us again.
Johnny: If I could make the engine for The Paralive we could seriously up our fire power and possibly break through his shields.
Falicia: Wait you wanna fight that guy?!
The Cosmic Cavalry
Ciencia FicciónBillions of years into the future, the human race have abandoned Earth and colonised a new planet that the humans call "Terra II". After the death of their mother, two brothers Ben & Johnny Watts leave Terra II to explore the furthest reaches of the...