Assignment 7 Episode 1

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Appearing from no where, just like usual, Sapphire wandered around a very messy and abandoned-looking house, joined quickly by Steel.

"Is there anyone here?" He asked as he stood next to Sapphire.

"Yes. There's a young boy on the second floor of the house." Sapphire paused "There's supposed to be someone else here I believe to. An older woman."

"That explains why the house is in the state it is." Steel sighed as he put his hand on a dusty cupboard door. "Let's find this boy then."

Sapphire and Steel both headed up the narrow stairway, Sapphire hesitated.

"There isn't just a boy here." She gasped.

"But you just said there was." Steel looked back at Sapphire with a confused expression.

"Well, it seems that we have to be near it or on the same level as it in order to sense it's presence." Sapphire sighed as she stepped up the final step "It isn't human though."

Steel looked thoughtfully across the landing before looking back at Sapphire. "Do you know where it is?"

"It's in the same room as the boy. The bedroom." She pointed across the landing to the room at the very end. The door was locked closed. They both headed down to the ominous door. Sapphire gently tapped on the door, hoping it would open.

"Who's there?" A voice came.

"It's okay. We're not here to hurt you. We are here to talk, to help." Sapphire kindly replied.

"I'm not interested. Leave me alone." The voice answered.

"Listen," Steel butted in "we just said we aren't here to hurt you. The least you can do is open the door."

"I said I'm not interested." The boy wouldn't allow them to enter. "How did you get in here anyway?"

"Open the door and we'll tell you." Sapphire encouraged

"Leave me alone."

Steel had enough "This is the only way we're going to be able to get in." He placed his hand where the door lock was and unlocked the door himself. Both he and Sapphire walked into the room in a casual manner, the boy sat on his bed, reading a book, he jumped and was evidently startled at the presence of them both.

"What are you doing in here?!" He shuffled against the wall.

"I could ask you the same question." Steel said in a curious tone "Why are you in this house, on your own? What happened to the woman here that lived with you?"

"Woman?! How do you know-?"

"Too many questions too quick, Steel." Sapphire interrupted. She took a seat on the bed next to the boy "Why don't we start of with a simpler question, shall we?" Sapphire smiled at the boy while he shuffled away, still against the wall.

"I should be the one asking you the questions." He answered

"What's your name?" Sapphire asked.

"M-my name is Tom." He nervously replied. "Who are you?"

"My name is Sapphire, and this is Steel." She replied "Now, how about you answered Steel's first question?" Tom looked at Sapphire and then looked at Steel nervously "He's a bit... scary" He whispered to Sapphire.

"Yes, unfortunately he gives off that impression a few people" Sapphire sighed as she looked at Steel with a smirk.

"Well.. anyway.." Tom seemed to relax a little bit "You see, it's weird really. I wasn't on my own before, although, it doesn't really feel like I am anyway. I used to live with my mother-"

Steel cut him off "What do you mean you don't feel like you're on your own?"

Tom looked at Steel, startled by his abrupt interruption. "Well, I'm not sure really. Just feels like someone else is here with me even though there isn't. You probably think I'm a right fool, don't you?" He paused "Wait a minute, why am I even telling you all this? What business is it of your's? I don't even know who you are-"

It was Sapphire's turn to intervene this time. "You can trust us, Tom." She put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It's here, Steel." Sapphire begun a telepathic conversation.

"What do you mean? In this room? Right here? Right now?"

"Yes" Sapphire replied and looked at Tom. "I believe it's behind the bed frame."

Steel looked at the bed frame. Tom shyly looked at the both of them "Would you two like a drink of water? Or tea? I think I know where the tea stuff is."

"No thank-" Steel got cut off by Sapphire for a change.

"We'd love some. Thank you." Sapphire smiled as Tom went off to make some tea.

"Why did you say yes?"

"To look at what lurks behind the bed frame." Sapphire replied as she stood up. "Wait a minute.." She said in a low tone

"What is it?" Steel moved closer to her.

"Sapphire! Steel! Come down here! Quickly!" Tom yelled from downstairs.

Sapphire and Steel exchanged worried and confused glances before quickly heading down the stairs.

Abandoned disturbance - Assignment 7 conceptWhere stories live. Discover now