Chapter 5: The Game Begins

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--Coraline's POV--

Norman had eventually gone back to his room to get some rest, but even though she tried, Coraline couldn't do the same. She didn't want to have another nightmare, and that was for a few reasons. First off was the fact that it was after all a nightmare, and no one enjoys those. Second was that she didn't Norman to worry about her again. She found it a little unnecessary, really. He was already nervous about the house, and he didn't need to be up all night worrying about her as well. So Coraline decided that the safest option was to stay awake. Luckily she didn't feel all that tired anymore anyways.

After lying in bed for a while thinking, she decided to explore the room a little. She didn't find much, though. That is, until she got to the closet. It creaked open, and at first she saw nothing. That is, until she looked down. There was a fain green glow, small and barely noticeable, coming from underneath some boxes. She moved the boxes aside gently to get a closer look at the glow, even though something in the back of her mind screamed at her to stop and leave it be. When the last box was moved, her eyes widened. "Whoa..." she breathed. It looked like a small orb, but there was something in it. She couldn't tell what it was, but she wanted to know. She reached her hand towards it, and that's when everything started to go wrong.

She was suddenly shot backwards, pain rushing through her. She shrieked in shock and pain as she hit the side of the bed. She rubbed the back of her head and looked up at the closet again. The green glow was turning black, and it was spreading over the whole room. She scrambled to her feet and started to back up before crawling back onto the bed, where the darkness seemed to avoid. She jumped in shock when she suddenly heard something hit the wall. She looked over, thinking of what had made the noise. She only realized what it could've been when the noise came again. "Norman!"

"I'm fine!" she heard him shout back, just before a small yelp of surprise. Coraline heard a struggle and panicked. She started to get off the bed, but second her foot touched the floor she was stung and she jerked it back. She was stuck there. All she could do was wait and listen to the struggle in the next room.

It didn't take long for the silence entered the room. There was nothing coming from the other room anymore, and it worried Coraline. The darkness was still spread all around the room, so she was still stuck on the bed. She had tried to find a way that she could get out of the room with out touching the ground, but there was no visible way.

She completely froze when she saw the doorknob start to move. After a moment the door swung open, revealing Norman. He was panting, obviously exhausted from whatever had happened. He jumped back when he saw the darkness around the room. "What in the heck?!" he blurted out in surprise. He looked up at Coraline and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "If I understood it, I'd explain. Now, if you don't mind I could use a little help!" she exclaimed impatiently. Norman nodded, then looked around the room for a second while thinking of what to do. He double took at the closet, where the orb was still glowing. "Got it!" he smiled, then turned to Coraline. "I know what to do. One sec!" he ran off to his room, leaving Coraline to wonder what he was doing. After a moment he was back with something in his hand.

Before Coraline could find out what it was, he threw it at the orb. They both jumped in shock and covered their faces with their hands as sparks flew everywhere. Coraline lowered her hands and looked around to see that the darkness covering the floor was gone, the last of it just disappearing. "Whoa." Was all she could really manage to get out. "I'll be honest, I didn't that was actually gonna work!" Norman admitted as he came over to Coraline, offering her a hand. She took it gratefully as she got off the bed. "Thanks." She smiled. Her smile faded when she noticed that there was a cut on his cheek, and it was still bleeding. "What happened?" she asked worriedly.

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