Chapter 7: Mind Tricks

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--General POV--

"Looks like she found your little doll."

"Yes, the vermin showed it to her..." the Other Mother came up to the Blithe Hollow Witch, who was staring intently at a crystal orb. "She's going to warn him." The Witch pointed out, unimpressed. "He would've found out eventually anyways. Besides, it's already served its purpose." The Other Mother snapped her fingers, and in an instant the Norman doll flew in through the open window, landing in the Other Mother's hands. "Thanks to your spell, of course." She added, tossing the doll aside as it started to glow. "Now we just have to get them here." "And what luck that the snake took away his memory." The Witch smirked. "Oh, if only she had taken Coraline's as well." The Other Mother sighed, pouting. "Perhaps she will." The Witch pointed out. "We just have watch... and wait."

--Coraline's POV--

"... I'd show you the doll, but I left it back at the mansion." Coraline finished explaining. "Considering that you said that it was her 'spy', I'd say that was a good choice." Norman smiled at her. Coraline smiled back, though she felt a little bad for him. A lot bad, actually. He had just lost every single memory he ever had... But he was still the same. His personality didn't seem to change at all as far as she could tell, other then him being curious about what was going on. And she thought he deserved to know, but she didn't have all the answers... She had only just met him, after all. She knew exactly what her other option was. And she wanted to take the chance. Even though it was dangerous. "I'm going back." She told him, standing up. "Woah, what?" Norman shot up after her, shocked. "I don't want you to keep going without memories. It's not fair to you." Coraline explained as she started for the mansion. After a moment Norman ran up to her. "I'll come to. They are my memories after all." He told her. "That and I wouldn't want you getting locked in there somehow without a key." He finished, pulling out the key to prove his point. "Alright then, it's settled!" Coraline exclaimed. "Besides, Stella was searching for us, remember? Maybe she won't even be there!"

Norman grunted slightly as he lifted up the cellar door once again. Coraline looked over at him as he dusted himself off, standing up. "Alright, let's do this quickly." He told her. She nodded, starting down the stairs, then stopping when he didn't follow. She turned around to face him, raising an eyebrow. He was holding his head as he took a few steps back, worrying Coraline. "What's wrong?" she asked, coming back up. "I-it's nothing... Just a headache..." he answered, lowering his hand. "If you want you can stay here. If something were to happen, you could just call." Coraline suggested, though she wasn't too keen on leaving him alone. "That might be the better option..." he agreed. "Alright. I'll be back as soon as I can. Again, if something happens call for me." Coraline explained, going down the steps slowly. He nodded, allowing her to turn and pick up the pace.

She tried her best to stay quiet, incase there was something else there that wanted to get her, namingly Stella. She didn't get far before hearing a loud scream. She whipped around in panic, then ran back for Norman. She bolted up the stairs as fast as she could, skidding to a stop and gasping when she got to the top. The cellar door was shut. She started pushing on it, but it wouldn't budge an inch. "Norman? Are you up there?" she called out, still trying to open it. "NORMAN?!" she called out even louder before giving up on the door. She looked back down the stairs in anger. "Stella..." she headed back down, positive that Stella had done something to her friend, and determined to make sure he was ok.

--General POV--

Coraline looked around the cellar nervously, hoping Norman wasn't hurt. She didn't really care where Stella was, just as long as she wasn't anywhere near either of them. After awhile she got to the main room, seeing Norman in the middle of the room with his back turned to her. "Norman!" Coraline gasped, running over. "Oh thank god you're alright! I heard you scream earlier and I thought that-" she stopped in mid-sentence, thinking for a moment. She waved her hand in front of his face, seeing if he would react at all. "Hello?" she walked in front of him, slightly confused. She gasped when she saw that his eyes were swirling, and she knew exactly what that meant. She backed up a step in worry as she heard Stella's laugh echo against the walls. "Isn't it ironic?" she hissed as she came out of the shadows. "Not too long ago he stopped a group of zombies, and now he's acting as if he were one!" she started to pet his head with her tail as she finished. "What'd you do to him?!" Coraline snapped. "I decided to spare him for awhile. Turns out he makes the most adorable little puppet, don't you think?" Stella answered, lifting up his chin a little. "And once he gets boring, I'll get to have a little snack..." she licked her lips at the thought. "I should be thanking you really. After all, if you hadn't gotten him to come back here then I never would've found him!" she stated. Coraline looked down in shame, glaring at the snake as she began to laugh at her pain. "Now run along before I get hungry..." she turned her attention back to Norman, ignoring Coraline's presence. Coraline just stood there, trying to think of a plan that wouldn't involve leaving him or getting eaten.

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