Chapter Twelve

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Sam's POV

I began seeing a therapist to deal with my depression. I hadn't cut myself in weeks, but it made Kian happy. I walked into her office and she seemed pretty average. I hadn't been attracted to a woman in forever,and I still wasn't but she was cute.

Dr.Lee was her name. She looked no older than 24 and had two sticks through the back of her bun. "So first tell me about your life." Was the first thing she asked.

So I told her everything that had happened in the three months, with Kian, Jc, Dominck, And Lindsey. Instead of referring me to an asylum she kept her composure.

"It seems like you don't face your problems head on. You deal with them by shutting down, and ready to end your own life. I'm going to prescribe your Xanax you can head to the pharmacy right away to pick it up. And our next appointment is in two weeks."

"Thank you Dr.Lee" I said as I waved goodbye. "Call me Kim." she shouted at me. I checked my phone and it was dry as usual. But I stared at it for a while because it had an amazing picture of me and kian. Then I began my trip to the pharmacy.

I headed to the back to the pick up counter. I had to wait a while, next to some unfriendly people but then she finally called my name. On my way out I bumped into Acacia and Andrea. The two of them were becoming best friends but it didn't bother me I had one concern Kian. As long as he wasn't with them I was fine. However, I did mange to peek in her basket she had condoms and a pregnancy test. I always knew the girl got around but wow.

After a long drive home with some terrible music I was finally home. I walked in and was immediately startled by what I saw.

A fucking surprise party. Everyone jumped out screaming. It was actually a nice gesture so I greatly accepted it. The house was decorated elegantly and everyone was wearing masks. And then I saw his eyes come towards me and he wrapped his arm around me. That was all I needed. I didn't care about the party I cared about this very moment. The lighting made the room look almost purple and blue. "The Night Is Still Young by Nicki Minaj" was playing and I never needed this moment to end.

Kian's POV

Everyone was dancing around us,but me and Sam just continued our hug. Eventually I left to go get us something to drink. I spotted Jc and Ricardo caressing one another on the couch. I put my drink on the coffee table Turning away from it. I quietly suggested they take one of the empty rooms which they glady accepted. I came back and my drink looked a little funny but I drank it anyways.

After I few shoves and 'excuse me's' I finally made my way back to Sam. I gave him his drink and he only drank half of the cup. We both knew sam was a lightweight and that's why he never drank that much. We danced the rest of the night away and I went to lay in my bed, Sam said he would be there in 20 minutes after he finished his dances.
But I don't remember ever getting to my room and Sam wasn't there when I woke up.

Guys I actually updated. Score one for me. Please comment omg. Like this so sad. Please. And don't forget to add to your reading lists/ library for quicker updates.

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