a mindless crush {pt.1}

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Ushijima wakatoshi had a ferrly tight schedule go to school then play volleyball he didn't do much else until he noticed you with your (h/c) and (s/C) skin he could watch you for ages and still be amused like when someone bumped into you from behind making you drop all of your stuff so when you bent down to grab your stuff your skirt lifted up revealing your undergarments or when someone spilled water on your shirt and it outlined your chest

It was not long after he saw your (e/c) eyes that he learned your name


It was a beautiful name

my (y/n)

You didn't seem to have very many friends seeing as you would walk home alone and spend lunch by your self


w h e r e

All alone

Next Tuesday ushiwaka had practice off so he was about to head home until he saw you


He realized a good boyfriend would walk his girlfriend home so he did walk home with you just several feet behind you and with out you knowing

on the walk there there was not very many people out even dog walkers where sparce so it was easy to keep track of you when you finally did reach your house you took a key from the doormat now he knew how to visit you when ever he wanted

when he got to the dorms tendou was not there yet so he opened an old shoe box inside where photos of you walking in the halls and sitting in class and this seemed perfectly fine to him you where not getting hurt and he got some photos of you it was a win win in his eyes

after half of the super aces class where done it was lunch and he walked past the bench you where on but you where not there the only thing that was is your (f/c) bag he knew that a good boyfriend should know what his girlfriend likes so he took your bag quickly to the restroom and locked the door in one of the stalls and opened your bag looking though he found notes for your classes but he also found your perfume it smelt just like you he then but the perfume in his pocket and put every thing neatly back into your bag then he walked out and put your bag back on the bench then left like nothing happened

practice was now over and ushiwaka went up to his dorm before tendou and took your perfume and sprayed his clothes bed and even himself then he put the perfume of yours back into his bag

Hey author chan here hoped you liked this first pt. Sorry that it is sort the other characters will be a lot longer 

a good boyfriend (yandere ushijima wakatoshi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now