why!? {pt.4}

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This chapter will be told by ushiwaka

tomorrow was the karasano vs shiratorizawa match and the players of shiratorizawa volleyball team knew that this match might be tough so after the meaning with coach they all head to their dorms in search of a good night's rest

the next day the left handed ace awoke early even for his standards so he decided to go on a morning run of course passing by your house I mean he was technically just on a morning run it won't look weird plus if any one asked him about he would just deny it

wakatoshi returned to his dorm when tendou awoke and both men proceed to change into there uniforms and head to the bus as they waited outside the door to the others to arrive

5 minutes pass and everyone is on the bus heading to the gym we arrive later than karasano and enter the gym with sounds of cheers of there school washing out karasano's cheer as ushiwaka steps onto the cort he looks into the crowd to be met with your beautiful e/c eyes

you where sitting in the back row most likely because you didn't want to be seen by anyone but that worked against you seeing as he could look at you and you would have no clue he was doing so

(Time skip to the end of the match because I am a lazy writer)

the action of shoyo hinata scoring the last point kept on playing in ushiwaka mind 'but how' how did they lose what was different the crowd was cheering like normal he was doing fine if not better then normal his teammates seemed to be doing fine as well what was different
you where you caused this you where the only thing that changed you came how could you do this to him how why he couldn't understand he thought you loved him

While ushiwaka was walking home with you he decided that you needed to be controlled under a tight schedule how he was going to do that was still uncertain I mean it's not like you two lived together I mean he could always black mail you into doing what he wanted I mean he had pretty lewd photos of you but why do that to his own girlfriend
this puzzled wakatoshi for the next few weeks also during the next few weeks he came up with some ideas but he agreed they all sucked

get y/n sick

lower your test scores so you have to study more

black mail he-no y/n would never love someone who would do that

He agreed all these things a boyfriend would never do so he did the next best thing ask the internet

'how to make people do what you want'

the search results where the standard this people would do 'get emotional to guilt trip them' 'pretend it was there idea' and so on but these would only work if you could actually talk to the person but with you he couldn't every time he tried to talk to you he got nervous and just backed away
he was a coward but you stilled loved him you where perfect that's why he loved you

During practice your beautiful h/c hair would make him do his bes-no better than his best

he bought you stuff because you deserve it he knows how hard you work I mean he got in because he was good at sports so he didn't have to but he knew it was hard and you did really well on it

after days you had long test he would put a canyon bar in your bag

When you would come to school sad he would write you a nice note

When your parents worked late he would make sure you where safe

And in return he would get to borrow your perfume and get photos of you

I mean he was the one who took your perfume once a month and he did take the photos with out you knowing but no one was stopping him so why stop

You didn't seem very social you had only 2 close friends katara and asune he of course knew everything about the 2 of them I mean why not learn about his girlfriend friends

He loved loving you from a distance

Sorry this chapter was shorter then the last one
But in the next chapter shit is going down

a good boyfriend (yandere ushijima wakatoshi x reader)Where stories live. Discover now