why did you do this {9.5}

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                      Breaking news

"Today shiratorizawa student found dead" is all the news anchor had to say to catch the attention of most of the shiratorizawa volleyball club

"do you think we know them" Shirabu says
"Maybe but even if we didn't someone's still dead" Semi says
Then all the boys fell silent wanting to now who it was

"Tendou satori student of shiratorizawa academy found dead" The lady on the screen continued to talk but the boys listing could not hear the rest of the broadcast
they turned off the TV immediately

"There jocking tendou isn't dead right" Goshiki says breaking the silence "I mean he has been acting strange lately" Shirabu says

"This just in" The news anchor starts again "DNA of ushijima wakatoshi and y/n l/n also found at the crime scene" The lady on the screen finished

That's all they herd before before reon turned off the TV they spent the rest of the night in slince none of them daring enough to say anything

the next morning they awoke from a sleepless night all heading home

thoughts of there now dead friend  lingering in there minds
questions also filling there heads

Why was the missing girl and wakatoshi's DNA there

Did tendou do that to himself of did someone else do it

Why didn't when there friends where acting strange not one of them asked what was wrong

The weeks that followed this event where filled with dread

Wakatoshi was now  missing and the most likely suspect for the missing girl case

I wanted to make this bouns chapter to show the reaction of all the other members in the volleyball team

Author-chan out

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