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"I'm off, bye dad" I say giving him a hug "careful on the way" he yells before I exit the house. Rain was practically pouring down today, it was gloomy so I doubt anyone would even come to the cafe today for cupcakes.

As soon as I reached the cafe my umbrella was soaked and so was my coat, I left the umbrella outside and rushed inside. Nala, my co worker and best friend was already behind the counter "hey you!" Nala exclaims rushing to hug me before going back to adding decorations onto the cupcake.

"I'm surprised the cafe's not empty" I say peering at the group of four boys who were sat down at the corner of the cafe. "I bet they just need cover from the rain" Nala shrugs, I then slipped on my apron which were considered the uniform.

Quickly, I placed all the cupcakes into the packaging before walking towards the table the boys were at "two packages of four cupcakes?" I say as I placed the two packages onto the table "thank you!" the one with the curly hair says with his thick Australian accent.

I wasn't surprised, I'm living in Sydney and everyone that I met had an accent. I was the only person that I knew myself with an English accent, I remember laughing when Nala didn't know what the word Jumper, Hooting or Knob meant.

"You're welcome" i smile "drinks will be here soon" i say before turning around and heading back towards the counter "you know there's a carnival next month?" Nala says as she continues to fill the mug with frap.

"yeah and?" I ask wiping the counter "Dani says that she might have us bake the cupcakes there" Nala smiles "you're not serious are you?" I ask, Dani was our boss yet she was the best. She would have us spend the day off work if we had a small cold.

Baking was a hobby of mine, ever since I was a child. I would spend hours in the kitchen making batches of cakes or pastries for guests. 

"Completely serious" Nala laughs, I roll my eyes playfully at her and carry the two mugs of frap towards the table of boys. "frappe?" I ask and two boys raise their hands. I place the mugs across the black haired boy and the curly haired one.

"Where are the milkshakes?" the boy with the bright red hair pouts "don't worry, it's coming" I smile "oh Michael" the boy with the dark hair scolds making the rest of the boys laugh.

I walk back to the counter and being the quick worker she was, Nala had already finished topping off the chocolate milkshakes. I took the two glasses and took them towards the table again, I placed it across the red haired boy whom I assumed was 'Michael'.

Then placed the glass across the boy with the blonde fringe and striking blue eyes, he was quieter than the rest but I had only realized how Goddamn attractive they all were.

"enjoy" I smile and walked off "hey, take care of the cupcakes for me would you?" Nala asks and I nod, she exits the counter to clean up the tables and the floor. I then did as she says and continues to frost the cupcakes, I look over and notice that most of the boys were checking her out.

I smile to myself knowing Nala had done it again, she had guys falling head over heels for her as always. "Excuse me" someone says, I turn around to find the same blonde boy by the counter "yes?" I ask "where are the bathrooms?" he asks and looks down in embarrassment.

"They're over there" I say pointing at the door in the corner "thanks" he says, there it goes again with the thick accent. I turn around to continue icing the cupcakes when someone cleared their throats behind me.

Turning around I find the red haired boy by the counter "can I help you?" I ask "do you know where my friend had run off to?" he asks "oh yeah, he went to the bathroom over there" I say pointing at the direction.

"I'm Michael by the way" he says putting his hand out to shake "Zoe" I smile and shook his hand. "Well it's really nice to meet you Zoe, I think you should have this" he says and gives me a small scrap of paper.

"Thanks Michael" I say placing the small scrap of scribbled paper into my pocket, he winks before walking back to his friends. Nala joined me at the counter again "so..." she trails off "so?" I ask "how was it?" she wiggles her brows in a joking manner.

"I dont know what you're talking about" i laugh, the 3 boys quickly scrambled towards the counter. They had paid for their food "what about your friend?" Nala asks and the boys burst out laughing "he doesnt have to know" the curly haired one giggles.

Soon enough they all scrambled out the cafe, it was still pouring with rain outside but there was a car. They had probably called someone to pick them up, soon enough the blonde boy came out the bathroom looking both terrified and confused at the same time.

"h-hey, do you know where my friends went?" he stutters "they.. uh, left" I say "oh" he frowns "assholes" he mutters "hey Zoe, you could drive him home" Nala says "my car's outside" she says and tosses her car keys at me.

I catch it expectantly "are you sure?" I ask "don't worry bout me, I'll close this place myself" she smiles. Sometimes you're just too nice Nala...

Hey loves! thanks for reading, please vote, comment and share it would mean a lot to me :) 
        Hope your days been good so far, thanks again! 

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